Maintaining trust and seeking support: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ experiences interacting with health care services for home-dwelling older people with mental health problems
Professional competencies in social work concerned with alcohol use problems in Lithuania: Moving beyond ‘know-how’
Watery reflections: Visualising interactions with wai in early childhood education centres in Aotearoa – New Zealand
Multicomponent intervention to tailor prescriptions to patients with dementia in an intermediate care hospital: pre-post quasi experimental study
Outcomes of an integrated knowledge translation approach in five African countries: a mixed-methods comparative case study
Adverse childhood experiences, sleep quality/duration and later-life lower extremity function among older adults in China: evidence from CHARLS
Behavioral intention to use electronic cigarettes in the Philippines: The role of social influence, knowledge, price and health impact
Intercultural competence of Chinese students abroad: An investigation under Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Programs
A network outcome analysis of psychological risk factors driving suicide risk in emergency department patients
Clinician’s perceptions and experiences with tobacco treatment in people who use cannabis: a qualitative study
Testing the psychometric properties of the risk-rescue rating scale: a lethality measure for suicide attempts
Burden of oesophageal cancer attributed to alcohol use in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Association between a publicly funded universal drug program and antipsychotic and antidepressant medication dispensing to children
Assessing the application of adapted theory of planned behaviour in predicting postpartum family planning intentions in a pragmatic randomized control trial in Western Kenya
Telehealth-facilitated palliative care enables more people to die at home: An analysis of clinical outcomes and service activity data
Artificial intelligence methods applied to longitudinal data from electronic health records for prediction of cancer: a scoping review
Comparison of logistic regression and machine learning methods for predicting depression risks among disabled elderly individuals: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
Determinants of pressure to conceive among reproductive age women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A multilevel analysis of recent Demographic and Health Surveys in five countries
Parents’ use of coercive and indulgent feeding practices for children with avid eating behaviour: an Ecological Momentary Assessment study
Multidimensional well-being and income inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: A comparative analysis of CEE North and CEE Continental countries
Relationship between movement behaviours and life satisfaction in Chinese children: A cross-lagged panel analysis
“We need all hands on deck”: characterizing addiction medicine training in Canada—a mixed methods study of fellowship program directors
Opening the black box of health systems performance management using the behaviour change techniques taxonomy: implications for health research and practice
Alcohol consumption associated with suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts in substance users: A cross-sectional study of an addiction registry in western Iran
Effectiveness of a Social Cognitive Theory-based health education intervention on depression (SCODESS) among mothers of children with cancer in Klang Valley, Selangor, Malaysia — A quasi-experimental study
Using the ADAPT guidance to culturally adapt a brief intervention to reduce alcohol use among injury patients in Tanzania
Multilevel analysis of factors associated with suicide attempts: Evidence from 2022/2023 Mozambique Demographic and Health Survey
Relationship between parental perfectionism and child’s disordered eating: mediating role of parental distress and validation of the arabic version of the eating disorders examination questionnaire-short-parent version (EDE-QS-P)
The effect of caregiver opinion leaders to increase demand for evidence-based practices for youth anxiety: A cluster randomized controlled trial
The effect of parental psychological flexibility on children’s behavioral problems: a moderated mediation model
Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the conflict in adolescence dating relationship inventory (CADRI) in the Greek language
Poppers use, adherence to antiretroviral therapy and risky sexual behaviors among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in Chongqing, China
Pupil size as a biomarker of cognitive (dys)functions: Toward a physiologically informed screening of mental states
How do hospitals that serve low socioeconomic status patients achieve low readmission rates? A qualitative study of safety-net hospitals
Assessment of sleep disorders and their short-term impact on cognitive and psychiatric outcome following ischemic strokes
Self-managed abortion as a humanitarian revolution: accounts of a telehealth pilot in the Middle East