Opioid consumption frequency and its associations with potential life problems during opioid agonist treatment in individuals with prescription-type opioid use disorder: exploratory results from the OPTIMA Study
Depression, anxiety, stress, sleep quality, and life satisfaction among undergraduate medical students in the Gaza Strip: a cross-sectional survey
Quantitative analysis of literature on diagnostic biomarkers of Schizophrenia: revealing research hotspots and future prospects
Publication bias in the social sciences since 1959: Application of a regression discontinuity framework
Twenty-four years of prescription patterns in bipolar disorder inpatients with vs without lithium: a pharmacoepidemiological analysis of 8,707 cases in German-speaking countries
The role of the public health service in the implementation of heat health action plans for climate change adaptation in Germany: A qualitative study
Prevalence and correlates of sexual violence against adolescents: Quantitative evidence from rural and urban communities in South-West Nigeria
Is universal health coverage really better? Unintended consequences of the 2019 Amendment of the National Health Insurance Act for humanitarian sojourners in South Korea
Safe spaces and beyond: Examining the role of LGBT+ Pride Groups in fostering ontological security and allyship within UK schools
Depression and physical multimorbidity: A cohort study of physical health condition accrual in UK Biobank
Changes in long-term life expectancy and years of life lost following the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture
Prolonged adverse effects from repeated psilocybin use in an underground psychedelic therapy training program: a case report
Addressing viral hepatitis C reinfections in a low-threshold programme for people who inject drugs in Slovenia
States, global power and access to medicines: a comparative case study of China, India and the United States, 2000–2019
Barriers to 12-month treatment of common anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys
Mentalisation-based treatment for antisocial personality disorder in males convicted of an offence on community probation in England and Wales (Mentalization for Offending Adult Males, MOAM): a multicentre, assessor-blinded, randomised controlled trial
Prevalence and correlates of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress among women of reproductive age with delayed conception in urban and peri-urban low to mid-socioeconomic neighborhoods of Delhi, India: A cross-sectional study
Social frailty and its association with cognitive trajectories in older adults: a prospective cohort study
BDSM and masochistic sexual fantasies in women with borderline personality disorder: simply on the spectrum of “normality” or source of suffering?
Online selfie behavior and consideration of cosmetic surgery in teenage girls: The mediating roles of appearance comparisons and body dissatisfaction
Prescription of essential medication during the final hospitalization of patients with heart failure or cancer
Addressing challenges with Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparisons to demonstrate the comparative effectiveness of entrectinib in metastatic ROS-1 positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Handling of missing component information for common composite score outcomes used in axial spondyloarthritis research when complete-case analysis is unbiased
Correction: Evaluating the understanding of the ethical and moral challenges of Big Data and AI among Jordanian medical students, physicians in training, and senior practitioners: a cross-sectional study
Status of scientific research integrity knowledge in dental undergraduates from 34 universities in China
Effect of healthcare professionals’ perceived occupational stigma on organizational citizenship behavior: a moral cleansing perspective
Cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis of rivaroxaban with or without aspirin compared to aspirin alone in patients with coronary and peripheral artery diseases in Iran
Why downsizing may increase sickness absence: longitudinal fixed effects analyses of the importance of the work environment
Factors influencing clinician performance post-electronic health record implementation: an empirical analysis in Moroccan hospitals
Modulation of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by QYHT Decoction: Implications for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Hyperuricemia
Association between oral health and physio-cognitive decline syndrome of older adults in China and its sex differences: a cross-sectional study
Concentration of Selected Serum Trace Elements in Male Patients With Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction: A Case–Control Study