It is a matter of convenience: why welfare technologies have become domesticated in Swedish eldercare
Is shared decision making an aspect of palliative care integration? An observation of collaboration between oncologists and palliative care professionals
Exploring the relationship between problematic social networking sites use and depression: A longitudinal study
Community Member Perceptions of Dollar Stores in Baltimore City, Maryland: “They are Not Progressive for the Communities”
Socioeconomic deprivation and suicide in Appalachia: The use of three socioeconomic deprivation indices to explain county-level suicide rates
Hematologists’ perspective on advance directives, a French national cross-sectional survey – the ADORE-H study
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Arabic version of the Stay Independent Brochure as part of the CDC’s STEADI initiative among community-dwelling older adults
The rate, causes and predictors of ambulance call outs to residential aged care in the Australian Capital Territory: A retrospective observational cohort study
Association between C-reactive protein-triglyceride glucose index and depressive symptoms in American adults: results from the NHANES 2005 to 2010
Interventions employed to address vaccine hesitancy among Black populations outside of African and Caribbean countries: a scoping review
The family talk intervention prevent the feeling of loneliness – a long term follow up after a parents life-threatening illness
Facilitating comprehensive child health monitoring within REDCap – an open-source code for real-time Z-score assessments
Decision-making and ethical dilemmas experienced by hospital physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic
Community engagement conduct for genetics and genomics research: a qualitative study of the experiences and perspectives of key stakeholders in Uganda
Measuring qualities needed for interdisciplinary work: The Intellectual Virtues for Interdisciplinary Research Scale (IVIRS)
Optimizing Testosterone Levels and Fertility Outcomes: A Case Series on the Impact of Lepidium peruvianum (Maca-OGTM) in Andropause and Sperm Dysfunction
The feasibility of combining greening schoolyards and nutrition education in primary schools: A qualitative study
Wishing for a more sober society: A scoping review on addiction problems and treatment in Greenland preceding the 2016 national treatment strategy
Provision of hospice and palliative care and implementation of advance care planning for residents in German nursing homes – a cross-sectional study
Facilitating person-centered patient participation in kidney care—a process evaluation of a quasi-experimental study incorporating a tool and training of local implementation teams
Tailored internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for depression in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
‘We tried our best… it wasn’t great’: a qualitative study of clinician experiences on child psychiatry wards at the height of COVID-19
Technology frustration in healthcare – does it matter in staff ratings of stress, emotional exhaustion, and satisfaction with care? A cross-sectional correlational study using the job demands-resources theory
Knowledge, uptake and intention to use antibiotic post-exposure prophylaxis and meningococcal B vaccine (4CMenB) for gonorrhoea among a large, online community sample of men and gender-diverse individuals who have sex with men in the UK
The association of health anxiety with quality of life among medical students in Egypt: Myth or Menace?
Participant engagement and involvement in longitudinal cohort studies: qualitative insights from a selection of pregnancy and birth, twin, and family-based population cohort studies
Is the use of antibiotic stewardship measures in the context of specialized outpatient palliative care sensible and feasible? An interview-based study
Challenges of modern work environments and means of overcoming them in the context of psychosocial risk assessments
Improving HPV vaccine acceptance through peer-to-peer education among adolescent girls in the urban poor settings of Kisenyi, Kampala, Uganda
Adapting and deploying a digital program for training non-specialist providers on a brief psychological intervention for depression in rural Gujarat, India
Development and validation of a face database for the recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions in the Brazilian population
Neighbourhood-based participatory action research with older adults: Facilitating participation through virtual and remote methods
Prevalence of hepatitis coinfection and substance use among antiretroviral therapy clinic clients with hazardous alcohol use in Vietnam
Enhancing the participation of young and minoritised fathers in peer research: An intersectional reflexive analysis of methods and ethics
Long-term cognitive effects of menopausal hormone therapy: Findings from the KEEPS Continuation Study
Perceived social support and associated factors among older people living in metropolitan cities of northwest Ethiopia: A community-based cross-sectional study
Wished I’d been there: Reflections on the special issue’s articles as refracted through my appreciations for qualitative researchers’ innovativeness
VA’s EHR transition and health professions trainee programs: Findings and impacts of a multistakeholder learning community
Exploring the experiences of female undergraduate nursing students in providing home healthcare to older adults