The Association Between Sexual Motives and Sexual Satisfaction: Gender Differences and Categorical Comparisons
“I Kiss Them Because I Love Them”: The Emergence of Heterosexual Men Kissing in British Institutes of Education
The “Extended Self” and “It” in the Dynamics of Violent Relationships: Learning from Personal Life Stories on Social Conflicts
Soldiers Working Internationally: Impacts of Masculinity, Military Culture, and Operational Stress on Cross-cultural Adaptation
Counselor Trainees’ Experiences in Triadic Supervision: A Qualitative Exploration of Transcendent Themes
Estimation of desvenlafaxine transfer into milk and infant exposure during its use in lactating women with postnatal depression
Integrating social justice training into the practicum experience for psychology trainees: Starting earlier.
The psychosocial impact of Hurricane Katrina on persons with disabilities and independent living center staff living on the American Gulf Coast.
Critical incidents in counseling psychology professionals’ and trainees’ social justice orientation development.
Identifying, affirming, and building upon male strengths: The positive psychology/positive masculinity model of psychotherapy with boys and men.
A tale of two studies of two disasters: Comparing psychosocial responses to disaster among Oklahoma City bombing survivors and Hurricane Katrina evacuees.
Emergency preparedness as a continuous improvement cycle: Perspectives from a postacute rehabilitation facility.
Not supposed to feel this: Traditional masculinity in psychotherapy with male veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.
An examination of the co-morbidity between chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder on U.S. Veterans.
Agreement of parent and child reports of trauma exposure and symptoms in the early aftermath of a traumatic event.
Psychologists as change agents in chronic pain management practice: Cultural competence in the health care system.
Parental alcohol involvement and adolescent alcohol expectancies predict alcohol involvement in male adolescents.
Peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD effects on physiological response patterns in sexual assault victims.
Turning points and lessons learned: Stressful life events and personality trait development across middle adulthood.
The “Postdeployment multi-symptom disorder”: An emerging syndrome in need of a new treatment paradigm.