Introduction to the themed issue. Corporate power: Agency, communication, influence and social policy
Evaluation Exemplar: The Critical Importance of Stakeholder Relations in a National, Experimental Abstinence Education Evaluation
Fighting Crime by Fighting Misconceptions and Blind Spots in Policy Theories: An Evidence-Based Evaluation of Interventions and Assumed Causal Mechanisms
The Effect of an ”Unsure” Option on Early Childhood Professionals’ Pre- and Post-Training Knowledge Assessments
Latent Markov Model for Analyzing Temporal Configuration for Violence Profiles and Trajectories in a Sample of Batterers
Assessing Group Differences in Estimated Baseline Survivor Functions From Cox Proportional Hazards Models
Fear and anger as predictors of motivation for intergroup aggression: Evidence from Serbia and Republika Srpska
How groups contest depends on group power and the likelihood that power determines victory and defeat
Social value orientation moderates ingroup love but not outgroup hate in competitive intergroup conflict
Review Essays: Human Motives and Social Cooperation: Towards Integrating Sociological, Economic and (Social) Psychological Perspectives
Being Decent, Being Authentic: The Moral Self in Shifting Discourses of Sexuality across Three Generations of Chilean Women
‘It’s Just Not Acceptable Any More’: The Erosion of Homophobia and the Softening of Masculinity at an English Sixth Form
Young Women’s Negotiations of Heterosexual Conventions: Theorizing Sexuality in Constructions of ‘the Feminist’
Deconstructing Self-Blame Following Sexual Assault: The Critical Roles of Cognitive Content and Process
Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Are There Unique Characteristics Associated With Making Partners Have Sex Without a Condom?
Toward a reframing of action research for human resource and organization development: Moving beyond problem solving and toward dialogue
An action research approach to the inclusion of immigrants in work life and local community life: Preparation of a participatory realm
Action research as a sustainable endeavor for teachers: Does initial training lead to further action?
Interprofessional Ethics: A Developing Field? Notes from the Ethics & Social Welfare Conference, Sheffield, UK, May 2010
The Human Rights Act 1998: implications for the medical treatment of children and young people [Articles]
Examining Walkability and Social Capital as Indicators of Quality of Life at the Municipal and Neighborhood Scales
Reasons for Staying in Intimately Violent Relationships: Comparisons of Men and Women and Messages Communicated to Self and Others