The Relationship Between Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, Subtypes of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Anxiety Disorders
Immigrant Children and Child Welfare in the United States: Demographics, Legislation, Research, Policy, and Practice Impacting Public Services
Advances in the Conceptualization of Personality Disorders: Issues Affecting Social Work Practice and Research
When self-destructive thoughts flash through the mind: Failure to meet standards affects the accessibility of suicide-related thoughts.
If you are able to control yourself, I will trust you: The role of perceived self-control in interpersonal trust
The adaptation dynamics of chronic functional impairment: What we can learn from older adults with vision loss.
The ‘most twisted and unaccountable force in the state’? Newspaper accounts of social work in the Republic of Ireland in troubled times
Efficiency Wages, Unemployment Benefits and Union—Firm Wage Bargaining: The Issue of the Choice of the Outside Option
Cynthia E. Roat: Healthcare Interpreting in Small Bites: 50 Nourishing Selections from the Pacific Interpreters Newsletter, 2002–2010
Acceptability of Sexual Relationships Among People with Learning Disabilities: Family and Professional Caregivers’ Views in Mexico
What Differentiates Professional Poker Players from Recreational Poker Players? A Qualitative Interview Study
Risk and Protective Predictors of Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents from Immigrant Backgrounds
Yale Child Study Center Autism Program, 10th Annual Summer Institute on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Monday–Thursday, July 11–14th, 2011
N. Midgley, J. Anderson, E. Grainger, T. Nesic-Vuckovic, C. Urwin (eds): Child Psychotherapy and Research: New Approaches, Emerging Findings
When is pain related to emotional distress and daily functioning in fibromyalgia syndrome? The mediating roles of self-efficacy and sleep quality
Familiarity with and social distance from people with mental illness: Testing the mediating effects of prejudiced attitudes
An Examination of Gambling Behaviour in Relation to Financial Management Behaviour, Financial Attitudes, and Money Attitudes
Attention Biases to Threat Link Behavioral Inhibition to Social Withdrawal over Time in Very Young Children
Robert W. Rentoul: Ferenczi’s Language of Tenderness: Working with Disturbances from the Earliest Years
What can be learnt from historical analysis? Community health workers and health policy in South Africa. A response to van Rensburg, Wouters and de Wet
If you are able to control yourself, I will trust you: The role of perceived self-control in interpersonal trust.
Assessing low-income African-American pre-schoolers’ behaviour problems in relationship to community violence, inter-partner conflict, parenting, informal social support and social skills