The popularity of poker (and in particular online poker) has increasingly grown worldwide in recent years. This increase in
the popularity of poker has led to the increased incidence of the ‘professional poker player’. However, very little empirical
research has been carried out into this relatively new group of gamblers. The aim was to determine how professional poker
players are able to make a living from playing poker and what differentiates them from recreational poker players. This research
comprised a grounded theory study involving the analysis of data from three professional poker players, one semi-professional
poker player and five recreational poker players. Using a process of open coding, focused coding and theoretical sampling,
in addition to constant comparison of the data, a number of themes and categories emerged. The central theme as to what distinguishes
professional poker players from recreational players was that professional poker players were much more disciplined in their
gambling behaviour. They treated their poker playing as work, and as such were more likely to be logical and controlled in
their behaviour, took less risks, and were less likely to chase losses. Recreational players were more likely to engage in
chasing behaviour, showed signs of lack of control, took more risks, and engaged in gambling while under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. Also of importance was the number of games and time spent playing online. Recreational players only played
one or two games at a time, whereas professional poker players were much more likely to engage in multi-table poker online,
and played longer sessions, thus increasing the potential amount of winnings. Playing poker for a living is very possible
for a minority of players but it takes a combination of talent, dedication, patience, discipline and disposition to succeed.
the popularity of poker has led to the increased incidence of the ‘professional poker player’. However, very little empirical
research has been carried out into this relatively new group of gamblers. The aim was to determine how professional poker
players are able to make a living from playing poker and what differentiates them from recreational poker players. This research
comprised a grounded theory study involving the analysis of data from three professional poker players, one semi-professional
poker player and five recreational poker players. Using a process of open coding, focused coding and theoretical sampling,
in addition to constant comparison of the data, a number of themes and categories emerged. The central theme as to what distinguishes
professional poker players from recreational players was that professional poker players were much more disciplined in their
gambling behaviour. They treated their poker playing as work, and as such were more likely to be logical and controlled in
their behaviour, took less risks, and were less likely to chase losses. Recreational players were more likely to engage in
chasing behaviour, showed signs of lack of control, took more risks, and engaged in gambling while under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. Also of importance was the number of games and time spent playing online. Recreational players only played
one or two games at a time, whereas professional poker players were much more likely to engage in multi-table poker online,
and played longer sessions, thus increasing the potential amount of winnings. Playing poker for a living is very possible
for a minority of players but it takes a combination of talent, dedication, patience, discipline and disposition to succeed.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-15
- DOI 10.1007/s11469-011-9312-y
- Authors
- Abby McCormack, International Gaming Research Unit, Psychology Division, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU UK
- Mark D. Griffiths, International Gaming Research Unit, Psychology Division, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU UK
- Journal International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
- Online ISSN 1557-1882
- Print ISSN 1557-1874