Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Gambling Consequences for Indigenous Australians in North Queensland
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Approach Coping Scale in Turkish University Students and Community Members
The Role of Positive Psychology Constructs in Predicting Mental Health and Academic Achievement in Children and Adolescents: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study
The Benefits of Expressive Writing on Autobiographical Memory Specificity: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Unpacking Links between Fathers’ Antisocial Behaviors and Children’s Behavior Problems: Direct, Indirect, and Interactive Effects
Demographic, Clinical, and Geographic Predictors of Placement Disruption among Foster Care Youth Receiving Wraparound Services
Erratum to: The Conceptual Model and Guiding Principles of a Supported-Education Program for Orthodox Jewish Persons with Severe Mental Illness
Gendered social forces: A review of the impact of institutionalized factors on women and girls’ criminal justice trajectories.
What’s left behind: Identity continuity moderates the effect of nostalgia on well-being and life choices.
Community development in contemporary ethnic-pluriform neighbourhoods: a critical look at social mixing
Processes of Change in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A Mediation Reanalysis of Zettle and Rains
Vulnerability to peer influence: A moderated mediation study of early adolescent alcohol use initiation
An investigation into the relationship between eating disorder psychopathology and autistic symptomatology in a non-clinical sample
Evaluation of a Community-Based Participatory Research Consortium From the Perspective of Academics and Community Service Providers Focused on Child Health and Well-Being
The Effectiveness of Interactive Journaling in Reducing Recidivism Among Substance-Dependent Jail Inmates
Social constructions of reality and narratives of parental incapability in the process of adjudicating the adoption of minors in Israel
"It’s Not Conflict, It’s Differences of Opinion": An In-Depth Examination of Conflict in Nonprofit Boards
Ethically Using Administrative Data in Research: Medicaid Administrators’ Current Practices and Best Practice Recommendations
Sharing the load: Parents and carers talk to consumer consultants at a child and youth mental health inpatient unit
Acceptors and Rejecters of Life-Sustaining Treatment: Differences in Advance Care Planning Characteristics
Successful Aging Through the eyes of Alaska Native Elders. What It Means to Be an Elder in Bristol Bay, AK