The promise of EMDR in family and systemic psychotherapy: a clinical complement to Field and Cottrell
The Systematic Development of ROsafe: An Intervention to Promote STI Testing Among Vocational School Students
Pluralized life courses? An exploration of the life trajectories of individuals with psychiatric disorders
Sex, temperament, and family context: How the interaction of early factors differentially predict adolescent alcohol use and are mediated by proximal adolescent factors.
Randomized controlled trial of a preventive intervention for perinatal depression in high-risk Latinas.
Family, school, and neighborhood: Links to Chinese American adolescent perceptions of racial/ethnic discrimination.
Alaskan Gay Males’ Couple Experiences of Societal Non-Support: Coping Through Families of Choice and Therapeutic Means
An Indirect Examination of the Function of Problem Behavior Associated with Fragile X Syndrome and Smith-Magenis Syndrome
Ethics in Practice: A Critical Appreciation of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Concept of Outsideness in Relation to Responsibility and the Creation of Meaning in Psychotherapy
Comparison of the prevalence and impact of health problems of pre-school children with and without cerebral palsy
Cognitive Processing and Mathematical Achievement: A Study With Schoolchildren Between Fourth and Sixth Grade of Primary Education
Mandatory Preferred, or Discretionary: How the Classification of Domestic Violence Warrentless Arrest Laws Impacts their Estimated Effects on Intimate Partner Homicide
The effect of educational programme based on precede model on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes
‘Hunkering Down’ in Multi-Ethnic Neighbourhoods? The Effects of Ethnic Diversity on Dimensions of Social Cohesion
Attachment to the clinical team and its association with therapeutic relationships, social networks, and clinical well-being
Profiles of language development in pre-school children: a longitudinal latent class analysis of data from the Early Language in Victoria Study
Comparison of Telephone with World Wide Web-Based Responses by Parents and Teens to a Follow-Up Survey after Injury
Establishing the next generation at work: Leader generativity as a moderator of the relationships between leader age, leader-member exchange, and leadership success.
Crowd-out and Exposure Effects of Physical Comorbidities on Mental Health Care Use: Implications for Racial–Ethnic Disparities in Access
An Electronic Daily Diary Process Study of Stress and Health Behavior Triggers off Primary Headaches in Children
How to Establish a Study Association: Isomorphic Pressures on New CSOs Entering a Neo-Corporative Adult Education Field in Sweden
Factors associated with quality of life in hemifacial spasm and blepharospasm during long-term treatment with botulinum toxin
School-Based Racial and Gender Discrimination among African American Adolescents: Exploring Gender Variation in Frequency and Implications for Adjustment
Security Sector Reform and Development Assistance: Explaining the Diffusion of Policy Priorities among Donor Agencies
Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status, control beliefs and exercise behavior: a multiple mediator model