Brief interventions in routine health care: a population-based study of conversations about alcohol in Sweden
Treatment received by persons with BPD participating in a randomized clinical trial of the Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving programme
The Alcohol Reform Bill: More tinkering than reform in response to the New Zealand public’s demand for better liquor laws
Sustainability of evidence-based community-based physical activity programs for older adults: lessons from Active for Life
Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and Breastfeeding: National, Regional, and State Level Analyses
Female Overweight and Obesity in Adolescence: Developmental Trends and Ethnic Differences in Prevalence, Incidence, and Remission
Satisfaction with Life and Food-Related Life in Persons of the Mapuche Ethnic Group in Southern Chile: A Comparative Analysis Using Logit and Probit Models
Social Competence Intervention for Elementary Students with Aspergers Syndrome and High Functioning Autism
Directional discrepancy between implicit and explicit power motives is related to well-being among managers
Effects of Exposure to Community Violence on Internalizing Symptoms: Does Desensitization to Violence Occur in African American Youth?
Mindfulness Skills and Anxiety-Related Cognitive Processes Among Young Adult Daily Smokers: A Pilot Test
Using iPhones™ to Enhance and Reduce Face-to-face Home Safety Sessions within SafeCare®: An Evidence-based Child Maltreatment Prevention Program
Sociodemographic and substance use correlates of tobacco use in a large, multi-ethnic sample of emergency department patients
Belonging as a Mode of Interpretive In-Between: Image, Place and Space in the Video Works of Racialised and Homeless Youth
Effects of Intensive Reading Intervention for Eighth-Grade Students With Persistently Inadequate Response to Intervention
Prevention of child maltreatment in high-risk rural families: A randomized clinical trial with child welfare outcomes
Retrenchments in Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Wage Inequality: Longitudinal Evidence from the Netherlands, 1985-2000
Mental health service users’ and practitioners’ experiences of engagement in assertive outreach: a qualitative study
The UN Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons (The Pinheiro Principles): Suggestions for Improved Applicability
Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action.
Male and Female Juveniles Arrested for Murder: A Comprehensive Analysis of U.S. Data by Offender Gender