Publication year: 2011
Source: Children and Youth Services Review, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 20 April 2011
Jane F., Silovsky , David, Bard , Mark, Chaffin , Debra, Hecht , Lorena, Burris , …
Few studies have specifically examined prevention of child maltreatment among higher risk populations in rural communities. The overarching goal of this study was to conduct a randomized clinical trial of SafeCare augmented for a rural high-risk population (SC+) compared to standard home-based mental health services (SAU) to examine reductions in future child maltreatment reports, as well as risk factors and factors proximal to child maltreatment. Parents (N=105) of young children (5years or less) who had identifiable risk of depression, intimate partner violence, or substance abuse were randomized to SC+or SAU. Participants randomized to SC+were more likely to enroll (83% vs….