Exploring gender and social entrepreneurship: women’s leadership, employment and participation in the third sector and social enterprises
Constructivism applied to psychiatric–mental health nursing: An alternative to supplement traditional clinical education
Melatonin for sleep-disturbed children with autism spectrum disorders: can we really speak of a substitution treatment?
Evaluation of the ability of neurobiological, neurodevelopmental and socio-economic variables to predict cognitive outcome in premature infants
Accidental injuries are more common in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder compared with their non-affected siblings
An examination of how adolescent–caregiver dyad illness representations relate to adolescents’ reported diabetes self-management
Socioeconomic Status and Depression across Japan, Korea, and China: Exploring the Impact of Labor Market Structures
Sex, stressful life events, and adult onset depression and alcohol dependence: are men and women equally vulnerable?
Trends in Malnutrition among Children in India: Growing Inequalities across Different Economic Groups
Experiences of and influences on continuity of care for service users and carers: synthesis of evidence from a research programme
Links From Teacher Beliefs to Peer Victimization and Bystander Intervention: Tests of Mediating Processes
Mexican American Seventh Graders’ Future Work and Family Plans: Associations With Cultural Experiences and Adjustment
Trends in research about health in early childhood: Economics and equity, from micro-studies to big business
Central Processing Energetic Factors Mediate Impaired Motor Control in ADHD Combined Subtype But Not in ADHD Inattentive Subtype
Creating a Brief Rating Scale for the Assessment of Learning Disabilities Using Reliability and True Score Estimates of the Scale’s Items Based on the Rasch Model
Emergent Literacy Intervention for Prekindergarteners at Risk for Reading Failure: Years 2 and 3 of a Multiyear Study
The Role of Quality Service Systems in Involving Families in Mental Health Treatment for Children With Severe Emotional Disturbances
An Oral History of First-Generation Leaders in Education of Children With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Part 2: Important Events, Developments, and People
Methodological Options and their Implications: An Example Using Secondary Data to Analyze Latino Educational Expectations
Behavior problems in children raised by grandmothers: The role of caregiver distress, family resources, and the home environment
The Enduring Association between Education and Mortality: The Role of Widening and Narrowing Disparities
Matching Math Interventions to Students’ Skill Deficits: A Preliminary Investigation of a Conceptual and Procedural Heuristic
Social Protection of Older People in Finland from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries: Messages for Current Policy and Practice from an Historical Analysis
Influential Publications in Social Work Discourse: The 100 Most Highly Cited Articles in Disciplinary Journals: 2000-09