‘It was just too hard to come back’: unintended policy impacts on work-family balance in the Australian and Canadian non-profit social services
‘We Now Breach More Kids in a Week Than We Used to in a Whole Year’: The Punitive Turn, Enforcement and Custody
The Impact of Bulimic Syndromes, Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Their Comorbidity on Psychosocial Impairment: What Drives Impairment in Comorbidity?
Inclusion criteria in epidemiological psychosis research: the importance of reporting outpatient data, gender and affective psychoses
Doing it "Right" by Your Parents in Singapore: A Political Economy Examination of the Maintenance of Parents Act of 1995
Who is Counseled to Lose Weight? Survey Results and Anthropometric Data from 3,149 Lower Socioeconomic Women
It’s not me, it’s you: A multilevel examination of variables that impact employee coaching relationships.
Startle Inhibition to Positive-Activated Compared to Neutral Stimuli: Variations in Self-Reported Behavioral Approach
Childhood Social Withdrawal, Interpersonal Impairment, and Young Adult Depression: A Mediational Model
Therapeutic processes and clinical outcomes of body psychotherapy in chronic schizophrenia- an open clinical trial
Who Took the "x" out of Expectancy-Value Theory?: A Psychological Mystery, a Substantive-Methodological Synergy, and a Cross-National Generalization
Policy Divergence in Implementation: How Conflict among Decisive Legislators Reinforces the Effect of Agency Preferences
Does Horizontal Accountability Work? Evaluating Potential Remedies for the Accountability Deficit of Agencies
Privatization Through Centralization in the Israeli Health Care System: The Case of the National Health Insurance Law and its Amendments
Maternal substance abuse and disrupted parenting: Distinguishing mothers who keep their children from those who do not
Improving recording of capacity to consent and explanation of medication side effects in a psychiatric service for people with learning disability: Audit findings
Descriptive analysis of physical restraint (protective holding) among community living adults with intellectual disability
Psychological well-being of caregivers of children with intellectual disabilities: Using parental stress as a mediating factor
Agreement between self-report and archival public service utilization data among chronically homeless individuals with severe alcohol problems
Predictors of mismatched community mental health care among persons with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders