Increasing the Complexity of Young Adolescents’ Beliefs About Poverty and Inequality: Results of an 8th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Intervention
Reward and Punishment Sensitivity in Children with ADHD: Validating the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire for Children (SPSRQ-C)
Parental Behaviors During Family Interactions Predict Changes in Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During Adolescence
The Effects of Experimentally Induced Rumination, Positive Reappraisal, Acceptance, and Distancing When Thinking About a Stressful Event on Affect States in Adolescents
Social Information Processing as a Mediator Between Cognitive Schemas and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescents
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Modified Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index in a Sample of Croatian Children and Adolescents
Multilevel Measurement of Dimensions of Collaborative Functioning in a Network of Collaboratives that Promote Child and Family Well-Being
Reinventing Mpowerment for Black Men: Long-Term Community Implementation of an Evidence-Based Program
Doing More Good than Harm? The Effects of Participation in Sex Research on Young People in the Netherlands
Health Status, Use of Health Care Resources, and Treatment Strategies of Ethiopian and Nigerian Immigrants in the United States
Assessing paediatric health-related quality of life within a cross-cultural perspective: Semantic and pilot validation study of the Portuguese versions of DISABKIDS-37
A Review of Assessment Tools for Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications for School Practice
Peer Victimization Partially Mediates the Schizotypy-Aggression Relationship in Children and Adolescents
The Bidirectional Association Between Daytime Affect and Nighttime Sleep in Youth with Anxiety and Depression
Everywhere you go, everyone is saying condom, condom. But are they being used consistently? Reflections of South African male students about male and female condom use
Developing resilient children and families when parents have mental illness: A family-focused approach
A comparison of the content, themes, and features of intrusive memories and rumination in major depressive disorder
Faculty Instructional Attitudes, Interest, and Intention: Predictors of Web 2.0 Use in Online Courses
A new psychological intervention: “512 Psychological Intervention Model” used for military rescuers in Wenchuan Earthquake in China
The Dynamics of Self-Esteem in Cognitive Therapy for Avoidant and Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorders: An Adaptive Role of Self-Esteem Variability?
Conducting field research in a primary school setting: Methodological considerations for maximizing response rates, data quality and quantity
Relationships between medical beliefs of superiority of Chinese or western medicine, medical behaviours and glycaemic control in diabetic outpatients in Taiwan
“Let me Count the Ways:” Fostering Reasons for Living Among Low-Income, Suicidal, African American Women
Reggio Emilia, Vygotsky, and Family Childcare: Four American Providers Describe their Pedagogical Practice
From Tea and Sympathy to Optimal Matching of Need: Developing a Shared Vision for a Community-based Family Support Service
Incredible Years Parent Training Support for Nursery Staff Working within a Disadvantaged Flying Start Area in Wales: A Feasibility Study
Early Volume Expansion During Diarrhea and Relative Nephroprotection During Subsequent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome [Article]
Daily Hassles and African American Adolescent Females’ Psychological Functioning: Direct and Interactive Associations with Gender Role Orientation
Improving Access to Hard-to-Reach Services: A Soft Entry Approach to Drug and Alcohol Services for Rural Australian Aboriginal Communities
Does Self-Compassion Mitigate the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Later Emotion Regulation Difficulties? A Preliminary Investigation
Self-Reported Cancer Rates in Two Rural Areas of West Virginia with and Without Mountaintop Coal Mining
Prevalence of Hepatitis B Infection Among Young and Unsuspecting Hmong Blood Donors in the Central California Valley