Coming Home: Social Functioning and the Mental Health of UK Reservists on Return From Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan
Who Doesn’t Authorize the Linking of Survey and Administrative Health Data? A General Population-based Investigation
Dependence of Confounding on the Target Population: A Modification of Causal Graphs to Account for Co-Action
Cognitive–behavioural group therapy versus guided self-help for compulsive buying disorder: A preliminary study
Pathways through care for people with dual diagnosis in Europe: results from the Treatment Options for Dual Diagnosis User Zoom instrument
Relationship between aggression, interpersonal style, and therapeutic alliance during short-term psychiatric hospitalization
Young, gifted, and caring: A project narrative of young carers, their mental health, and getting them involved in education, research and practice
Effectiveness of a Combined Home Visiting and Group Intervention for Low Income African American Mothers: The Pride in Parenting Program
Taking Stock of Ten Years of Research on the Relationship between Assets and Children’s Educational Outcomes: Implications for Theory, Policy and Intervention
Changes in the prevalence of child sexual abuse, its risk factors, and their associations as a function of age cohort in a Finnish population sample☆
Differential effects of psychological maltreatment on children of mothers exposed to intimate partner violence☆
Parental Psychological Control and Childhood Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Perceived Lack of Control
Exploring Academic Dishonesty among University Students in Barbados: An Extension to the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Self and peer perceptions of childhood aggression, social withdrawal and likeability predict adult substance abuse and dependence in men and women: A 30-year prospective longitudinal study
Psychometric properties of instruments to measure the quality of end-of-life care and dying for long-term care residents with dementia
Rasch analysis in the development of a simplified version of the national eye institute visual-function questionnaire-25 for utility estimation
Colleague interactions and new drug prescribing behavior: The case of the initial prescription of antidepressants in Taiwanese medical centers
Investigating the impact of mindfulness meditation training on working memory: A mathematical modeling approach
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments and Neighborhood Change: A Case Study of Miami-Dade County
Who Experiences Foreclosures? The Characteristics of Households Experiencing a Foreclosure in Minneapolis, Minnesota