This paper applies Beck and Ajzen’s (Journal of Research in Personality 25:285–301, 1991) extended version of the theory of planned behaviour model to the decisions of students to engage in academic dishonesty
(cheating and lying). The model proposes that students’ intentions to engage in dysfunctional behaviours may be influenced
by attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and moral obligation. This study was done using a survey questionnaire
of 363 undergraduate students at a West Indian University. Based on the extended version of the theory of planned behaviour,
with the exception of subjective norms which only predicted students’ intentions to cheat, it was found that attitudes, perceived
behavioural control and moral obligation were significant predictors of students’ intentions to perform academic dishonesty
behaviours in the form of cheating and lying. The results of the study have given further support to the use of the extended
version of the theory of planned behaviour. Implications are discussed.
(cheating and lying). The model proposes that students’ intentions to engage in dysfunctional behaviours may be influenced
by attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and moral obligation. This study was done using a survey questionnaire
of 363 undergraduate students at a West Indian University. Based on the extended version of the theory of planned behaviour,
with the exception of subjective norms which only predicted students’ intentions to cheat, it was found that attitudes, perceived
behavioural control and moral obligation were significant predictors of students’ intentions to perform academic dishonesty
behaviours in the form of cheating and lying. The results of the study have given further support to the use of the extended
version of the theory of planned behaviour. Implications are discussed.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-16
- DOI 10.1007/s10805-011-9144-1
- Authors
- Philmore Alleyne, Department of Management Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies
- Kimone Phillips, Department of Management Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies
- Journal Journal of Academic Ethics
- Online ISSN 1572-8544
- Print ISSN 1570-1727