Weight-Based Victimization Among Adolescents in the School Setting: Emotional Reactions and Coping Behaviors
‘Bigger than hip-hop?’ Impact of a community-based physical activity program on youth living in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Canada
Social work in the public and non-profit sectors in Italy: what are the differences?Il lavoro sociale nel settore pubblico e nonprofit in Italia: quali sono le differenze?
Stability and Change in Private and Public Ethnic Regard Among African American, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Chinese American Early Adolescents
Secondary School Transition and the Use of Different Sources of Information for the Construction of the Academic Self-concept
Romantic Relationship Commitment and Its Linkages with Commitment to Parents and Friends during Adolescence
Agentic or Communal? Associations between Interpersonal Goals, Popularity, and Bullying in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence
Practitioner Response to “Beyond Smokestacks and Silos: Open-Source, Web-Enabled Coordination in Organizations and Networks”
Support and Undermining in Interpersonal Relationships Are Associated with Symptom Improvement in a Trial of Antidepressant Medication
Relational Stressors and Depressive Symptoms in Late Adolescence: Rejection Sensitivity as a Vulnerability
Early effects of emotion on word immediate repetition priming: Electrophysiological and source localization evidence
Enhancing the Application and Evaluation of a Discrete Trial Intervention Package for Eliciting First Words in Preverbal Preschoolers with ASD
Social Skills Training for Young Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
A Business Case for Quality Improvement in Addiction Treatment: Evidence from the NIATx Collaborative
Preventing Waterborne Diseases: Analysis of a Community Health Worker Program in Rural Tamil Nadu, India
Martin J. Salwen (ed): Downstate at 150: A Celebration of Achievement. Honoring the Sesquicentennial of the College of Medicine, Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York, 1860–2010
The Governance of International Nongovernmental Organizations: How Funding and Volunteer Involvement Affect Board Nomination Modes and Stakeholder Representation in International Nongovernmental Organizations
Are Just-World Beliefs Compatible with Justifying Inequality? Collective Political Efficacy as a Moderator
Detecting Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction in Various Domains of Life Using the REBUS-PLS Path Modelling Approach: A Case Study
The Effects of First Occupation on Long Term Health Status: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
Evaluating health-related quality-of-life therapeutic effectiveness in a clinical trial with extensive nonignorable missing data and heterogeneous response: results from a phase III randomized trial of gemcitabine plus paclitaxel versus paclitaxel monotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Anxiety/Depression and Hostility/Suspiciousness in Adolescent Boys: Testing Adherence to Honor Code as Mediator of Callousness and Attachment Insecurity
Psychological First Aid Following Trauma: Implementation and Evaluation Framework for High-Risk Organizations