Should Transvestic Fetishism Be Classified in DSM 5? Recommendations from the WPATH Consensus Process for Revision of the Diagnosis of Transvestic Fetishism
Transgender Health: A Review and Guidance for Future Research—Proceedings from the Summer Institute at the Center for Research on Health and Sexual Orientation, University of Pittsburgh
Psychological Well-Being and Level of Outness in a Population of Male-to-Female Transsexual Women Attending a National Transgender Conference
Gender Identity Disorder and Attachment Theory: The Influence of the Patient’s Internal Working Models on Psychotherapeutic Engagement and Objective. A Study Undertaken Using the Adult Attachment Interview
Subjective wellbeing and its relationship with academic achievement and multilinguality among Lebanese university students
Posttraumatic stress and worry as mediators and moderators between political stressors and emotional and behavioral disorders in Palestinian children
Gender and work–family conflict: Testing the rational model and the gender role expectations model in the Spanish cultural context
Embodying Intersubjective Intimacy: A Discussion of “Katherine: A Long, Hard Case” by Joye Weisel-Barth—Observations and Reflections
The Therapeutic Action of Analytic Love: Commentary on Joye Weisel-Barth’s “Katherine: A Long, Hard Case”
Selective defensiveness or nondefensiveness: How does relative autonomy relate to excuse-making when goal pursuits do not succeed?
Validity of the PHQ-2 for the screening of major depression in Parkinson’s disease: Two questions and one important answer
Parental Involvement and the Academic Achievement of Mexican American Youths: What Kinds of Involvement in Youths’ Education Matter Most?
The Influence of Client Socioeconomic Status on Psychotherapists’ Attributional Biases and Countertransference Reactions
The Family-School-Primary Care Triangle and the Access to Mental Health Care Among Migrant and Ethnic Minorities
Behavioral Activation and Inhibition, Negative Affect, and Gambling Severity in a Sample of Young Adult College Students
Emotional Experience in Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia–No Evidence for a Generalized Hedonic Deficit
Are Social Workers Ignoring the Cornerstone of Science by Failing to Replicate Their Research? A Rejoinder
Notes from a Visit to Several Zapatista Communities: Toward Practices of Nomadic Identity and Hybridity
Racial Differences in Depression Trajectories among Older Women: Socioeconomic, Family, and Health Influences
Association Between Parental Hospital-Treated Infection and the Risk of Schizophrenia in Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Observations of a Small Sample of Adolescents Experiencing an At-Risk Mental State (ARMS) for Psychosis