The current multi-method multi-informant investigation compared the fit of three competing models of internalizing problems
in middle childhood: (1) a unitary factor model, (2) a two-factor model corresponding to the DSM-IV Anxiety/Depression distinction,
and (3) a two-factor model corresponding to the Fear/Distress distinction observed in structural studies of adult psychopathology
(Krueger Archives of General Psychiatry, 56:921-926, 1999); Slade and Watson Psychological Medicine, 36:1593-1600, 2006). In total, 346 youths (mean age = 9.51, SD = .78) and their adult caregivers (344 mothers, 227 fathers) reported on childhood
internalizing symptoms and personality traits. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed adequate to good fit indices for all
three models, although the unitary factor model provided the most parsimonious summary of the data. Although the structural
analyses suggested that internalizing symptom subfactors were not clearly differentiated in middle childhood, hierarchical
regression analyses revealed that personality dimensions uniquely predicted the Anxiety/Fear and Depression/Distress disorders.
These results suggest that personality correlates differentiate childhood psychopathology structure before it is manifest
at the symptom level.
in middle childhood: (1) a unitary factor model, (2) a two-factor model corresponding to the DSM-IV Anxiety/Depression distinction,
and (3) a two-factor model corresponding to the Fear/Distress distinction observed in structural studies of adult psychopathology
(Krueger Archives of General Psychiatry, 56:921-926, 1999); Slade and Watson Psychological Medicine, 36:1593-1600, 2006). In total, 346 youths (mean age = 9.51, SD = .78) and their adult caregivers (344 mothers, 227 fathers) reported on childhood
internalizing symptoms and personality traits. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed adequate to good fit indices for all
three models, although the unitary factor model provided the most parsimonious summary of the data. Although the structural
analyses suggested that internalizing symptom subfactors were not clearly differentiated in middle childhood, hierarchical
regression analyses revealed that personality dimensions uniquely predicted the Anxiety/Fear and Depression/Distress disorders.
These results suggest that personality correlates differentiate childhood psychopathology structure before it is manifest
at the symptom level.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-13
- DOI 10.1007/s10862-011-9263-4
- Authors
- Shauna C. Kushner, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, 100 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada
- Jennifer L. Tackett, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, 100 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada
- R. Michael Bagby, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada
- Journal Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
- Online ISSN 1573-3505
- Print ISSN 0882-2689