Is It Legal Representation or Clients? : An Empirical Testing of Clients’ Performance and Their Legal Representation in Tulsa County Drug and DUI Programs
Sex differences in nicotine dependence among addictions clients accessing a smoking cessation programme in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Adult informal caregivers reporting financial burden in Hawaii, Kansas, and Washington: Results from the 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Allowing Spouses to Be Paid Personal Care Providers: Spouse Availability and Effects on Medicaid-Funded Service Use and Expenditures
Improving Patient Provider Communication for Latinos at Temple University Hospital and Temple University School of Medicine
Health Professional Shortage Areas, Insurance Status, and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study
A Multilevel Assessment of Barriers to Adoption of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) among African Americans of Low Socioeconomic Status
Utility of a Point-of-Care Device in Recruiting Ethnic Minorities for Diabetes Research with Community Partners
The Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life 19 (ADDQoL): feasibility, reliability and validity in a population-based sample of Australian adults
Analysis of Parent, Teacher, and Consultant Speech Exchanges and Educational Outcomes of Students With Autism During COMPASS Consultation
An Evaluation of the Treatment Integrity Planning Protocol and Two Schedules of Treatment Integrity Self-Report: Impact on Implementation and Report Accuracy
Social Justice and Juvenile Offenders: Examples of Fairness, Respect, and Access in Education Settings
Hemifacial preferences for the perception of emotion and attractiveness differ with the gender of the one beheld
Students’ perceptions of written feedback in teacher education: ideally feedback is a continuing two-way communication that encourages progress
Outcomes on the pharmacopsychometric triangle in bupropion-SR vs. buspirone augmentation of citalopram in the STAR*D trial
The Role of Self-Objectification in Disordered Eating, Depressed Mood, and Sexual Functioning Among Women: A Comprehensive Test of Objectification Theory
Fair and just or just fair? Examining models of government–not-for-profit engagement under the Australian Social Inclusion Agenda
The ”standards for openness hypothesis”: Why women find (conflict) avoidance more dissatisfying than men
Two-Level Effects of Interorganizational Network Collaboration on Graduate Satisfaction: A Comparison of Five Intercollege Networks in Dutch Higher Education
Translating Sexual Assault Prevention From a College Campus to a United States Military Installation: Piloting the Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing Campaign
The Relationship Between Marijuana Use and Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative, Longitudinal Sample
I’m not all gone, I can still speak: The experiences of younger people with dementia. An action research study
Commentary on “Playing the Wrong PART: The Program Assessment Rating Tool and the Functions of the President’s Budget”