The Subjective Wellbeing of Indigenous Australian Adolescents: Validating the Personal Wellbeing Index-School Children
“I Want to Do it Right!” A Pilot Study of Swedish Sex Education and Young People with Intellectual Disabilities
Pediatric Asthma Caregiver’s Quality of Life Questionnaire is a useful tool for monitoring asthma in children
Diagnostic delay, quality of life and patient satisfaction among women diagnosed with endometrial or ovarian cancer: a nationwide Danish study
Parental immigrant status and adolescent mental health in the United States: do racial/ethnic differences exist?
Contextualizing the trauma experience of women immigrants from Central America, South America, and Mexico
Pervasive exposure to violence and posttraumatic stress disorder in a predominantly African American Urban Community: The Detroit neighborhood health study
Examining the Association Between Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Within a Sample of African Americans
Annual Research Review: The nature and classification of reading disorders: a commentary on proposals for DSM-5
The Cultural Context of Obesity: Exploring Perceptions of Obesity and Weight Loss Among Latina Immigrants
Factors Associated with Program Utilization of Radiation Therapy Treatment for VHA and Medicare Dually Enrolled Patients
Cost-Effectiveness of Childcare Discounts on Parent Participation in Preventive Parent Training in Low-Income Communities
Normal and Natural, or Burdensome and Terrible? Women with Spinal Cord Injuries Discuss Ambivalence about Menstruation
Processing Speed and Neurodevelopment in Adolescent-Onset Psychosis: Cognitive Slowing Predicts Social Function
Electrophysiological indices of emotion processing during retrieval of autobiographical memories by school-age children
Category Formation in Autism: Can Individuals with Autism Form Categories and Prototypes of Dot Patterns?
Determinants of Time of Start of Prenatal Care and Number of Prenatal Care Visits During Pregnancy Among Nepalese Women
Developing probation staff competency for working with high risk of harm offenders with personality disorder: An evaluation of the Pathways Project
A Complementary Resource Bundle as an Antecedent of E-Channel Success in Small Retail Service Providers