In Sweden sex education has been compulsory since 1955. However, access to sex education seems to be insufficient in schools
with special education programs. Concerns about unwanted pregnancies, sexual abuse and sexual risk situations make personnel
insecure about how to best deal with the subject. A largely heteronormative perspective of sex education renders young gay
people with ID an invisible group. Stereotyped gender norms where girls are supposed to be oriented towards love and relationships
and boys towards sexuality make it more difficult for young people with ID to find a more subtle way to act. The aim of this
study is to strengthen sexual health among young people with ID, and to develop a knowledge base culled from their own experiences
that can help teachers in special schools to supply sufficient sex education. What are the experiences of sex education in
young people with ID aged 16–21? In what way, and by whom, should sex education be supplied? What themes do the young people
with ID consider important? Qualitative research interviews with 16 young females (9) and males (7) with ID aged 16–21 years
have been conducted. Guiding the analyses is an interactionist perspective on sexuality. Results show that a restrictive script
is geared toward informants with ID, focusing on sexual risks instead of challenging a discourse of pleasure, desire and intimacy.
The study also shows that using critical pedagogy can help personnel develop a professional and adequate teaching model for
sex education at schools for adolescents with ID.
with special education programs. Concerns about unwanted pregnancies, sexual abuse and sexual risk situations make personnel
insecure about how to best deal with the subject. A largely heteronormative perspective of sex education renders young gay
people with ID an invisible group. Stereotyped gender norms where girls are supposed to be oriented towards love and relationships
and boys towards sexuality make it more difficult for young people with ID to find a more subtle way to act. The aim of this
study is to strengthen sexual health among young people with ID, and to develop a knowledge base culled from their own experiences
that can help teachers in special schools to supply sufficient sex education. What are the experiences of sex education in
young people with ID aged 16–21? In what way, and by whom, should sex education be supplied? What themes do the young people
with ID consider important? Qualitative research interviews with 16 young females (9) and males (7) with ID aged 16–21 years
have been conducted. Guiding the analyses is an interactionist perspective on sexuality. Results show that a restrictive script
is geared toward informants with ID, focusing on sexual risks instead of challenging a discourse of pleasure, desire and intimacy.
The study also shows that using critical pedagogy can help personnel develop a professional and adequate teaching model for
sex education at schools for adolescents with ID.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Paper
- Pages 1-17
- DOI 10.1007/s11195-011-9239-z
- Authors
- Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson, Center for Professional Studies, Malmö University, SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
- Journal Sexuality and Disability
- Online ISSN 1573-6717
- Print ISSN 0146-1044