What are the clinical implications of new onset or worsening anxiety during the first two weeks of SSRI treatment for depression?
Cognitive inflexibility as a prospective predictor of suicidal ideation among young adults with a suicide attempt history
Commentary: A comprehensive investigation, but are the findings entirely comprehensible? – a comment on Rhodes et al. (2012)
Commentary response: Addressing the challenges – response to the commentary of Jarrold and Hall (2012)
Examination of neurological subtle signs in ADHD as a clinical tool for the diagnosis and their relationship to spatial working memory
Unraveling the effect of genes and environment in the transmission of parental antisocial behavior to children’s conduct disturbance, depression and hyperactivity
The role of maternal factors in sibling relationship quality: a multilevel study of multiple dyads per family
Comorbidity among depression, conduct disorder, and drug use from adolescence to young adulthood: Examining the role of violence exposures
Vicarious exposure to trauma and growth in therapists: The moderating effects of sense of coherence, organizational support, and empathy
Long-term effects of coping with extreme stress: Longitudinal study of Vietnam-era repatriated prisoners of war
Talking ‘Bout My Generation’: The Effect of "Generation" on Correctional Employee Perceptions of Work Stress and Job Satisfaction
If One Doesn’t Get You Another One Will: Formerly Incarcerated Persons’ Perceptions of Discrimination
Is the Job Burning Me Out? An Exploratory Test of the Job Characteristics Model on the Emotional Burnout of Prison Staff
Providing Inmate Access to the Courts: U. S. Prison Strategies for Complying With Constitutional Rights
A comparison of polyamorous and monoamorous persons: are there differences in indices of relationship well-being and sociosexuality?
Marion Solomon and Stan Tatkin: Love and War in Intimate Relationships: Connection, Disconnection, and Mutual Regulation in Couple Therapy
Parental Weight (Mis)Perceptions: Factors Influencing Parents’ Ability to Correctly Categorise Their Child’s Weight Status
A comparison of the interactive play behaviours between children with albinism and their siblings and children without albinism and their non-albino siblings
Aboriginal Community-Centered Injury Surveillance: A Community-Based Participatory Process Evaluation
Neighbourhood matters: Perceptions of neighbourhood cohesiveness and associations with alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use
Early childhood experiences, parenting and the process of drug dependency among young people in Tehran, Iran
Networks Are Not Enough. . . But They Do Matter: Urban Governance and Workforce Development in Three Ontario Cities
The Glass Ceiling Revisited: Moving Beyond Discrimination in the Study of Gender in Public Organizations
An Examination of Prescription Stimulant Misuse and Psychological Variables Among Sorority and Fraternity College Populations