Internet Sites Offering Adolescents Help With Headache, Abdominal Pain, and Dysmenorrhoea: A Description of Content, Quality, and Peer Interactions
Increased incidence of QT interval prolongation in a population receiving lower doses of methadone maintenance therapy
Partnerships for the Design, Conduct, and Analysis of Effectiveness, and Implementation Research: Experiences of the Prevention Science and Methodology Group
Coronary patients who returned to work had stronger internal locus of control beliefs than those who did not return to work
Montessori-Based Activities as a Transgenerational Interface for Persons With Dementia and Preschool Children
Much More Than Accommodation in Exchange for Company: Dimensions of Solidarity in an Intergenerational Homeshare Program in Spain
A Model of Intergenerativity: How the Intergenerational School is Bringing the Generations Together to Foster Collective Wisdom and Community Health
Second Response of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to the Proposed Revision of the Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria for DSM 5
Am I Man Enough Yet? A Comparison of the Body Transition, Self-Labeling, and Sexual Orientation of Two Cohorts of Female-to-Male Transsexuals
Heist-ing the Analyst’s Penis (at Gunpoint): Community Enactment in the Treatment of an FtM Transgendered Analysand
“What Is Therapy?” A Therapist-Developed Intervention to Reduce Missed Appointments in Community Mental Health
Late potentials in the signal-averaged electrocardiogram in pre-pubertal children with ADHD, before and after methylphenidate treatment
Patterns of Contact with Hospital for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Danish Register-Based Study
Commentary: Health and Behavior Codes in a Pediatric Headache Program: Reimbursement Data and Recommendations for Practice
The Perceptions, Social Determinants, and Negative Health Outcomes Associated With Depressive Symptoms Among U.S. Chinese Older Adults
Using three legacy measures to develop a health-related quality of life tool for young adult survivors of childhood cancer
Developing Strategies for Reducing Cancer Disparities via Cross-Institutional Collaboration: Outreach Efforts for the Partnership Between the Ponce School of Medicine and the Moffitt Cancer Center
Development of a Media Campaign on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for Northern Plains American Indian Communities
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in College Students With ADHD
Perfectionism, Body Dissatisfaction, and Bulimic Symptoms: The Intervening Role of Perceived Pressure to be Thin and Thin Ideal Internalization
Introduction to the Special Section: Recent Advances in BDD: The Role of Risk Factors and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy