Objectives To analyze content and quality of headache, abdominal pain, and dysmenorrhoea websites, and to thematically analyze online pain forums. Methods Websites offering support, advice, or information regarding pain were explored. Websites were analyzed quantitatively using the Health-Related Website Evaluation Form and the DISCERN scale. Websites containing forum functions were thematically analysed assessing how the Internet is used for support and advice. Results 63 websites were included. Few websites scored in the upper quartiles of scores on the measures. 7 websites contained supportive posts, pertaining only to dysmenorrhoea. The ways users cope and the coping judgements of other forum users are presented thematically. 3 themes emerged: (1) passively engaged postings, (2) actively engaged postings, and (3) reactively engaged postings. Conclusions Internet pain resources are of low quality and questionable value in providing help to adolescents. Future research should explore how to improve quality.