Detecting latent subpopulations in international large-scale assessments by fitting MixIRT models using NUTS
Secondhand racism: What we know and where to go regarding the relationship between vicarious racism and mental and physical health
Civic Identity and Mental Health in Russia: The Role of Psychological Coping Strategies During Sanctions and Perceived Threat
Development of a codebook for the narrative analysis of in‐hospital trauma interviews of patients following stroke
Addressing Mental Health Symptoms Among COVID‐19 Healthcare Workers: A Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Pilot Study
Informant discrepancy profiles of helicopter parenting and adult children’s partner‐controlling and partner‐controlled behaviors
Examining the impact of the veterans affairs community care program on mental healthcare in rural veterans: A qualitative study
Cross‐group contact predicts positive beliefs about girls’ and Black peers’ STEM abilities and occupational prospects
Using the sociopolitical motive × intergroup threat model of intergroup relations to understand opposition to policies that promote social equality
A qualitative assessment of retention in HIV care among adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with HIV in New York City
Admission of an older person into a care home in Europe: exploring the dimensions of a ‘Healthy Transition’ and the potential role of social work
Constructing a client category of the experience of buying sex: an explorative study of how sexuality and masculinity construct the client category of men who buy sex within social work in Sweden
When the outside penetrates the inside: the relationship between Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli social workers in mixed cities during the events of May 2021
The Social Representations of Pornography Consumers Among Individuals in Romantic Relationships: Exploring the Roles of Gender, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction in a Romanian Sample
Beyond regulatory capture: Policy entrepreneurs’ strategies in regulatory policies under authoritarianism
Trends in Road Traffic Injuries Mortality in India: An Analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990–2021
Not All of Me Is Welcome Here: The Experiences of Trans and Gender Expansive Employees of Color in the U.S.
Intolerance of Uncertainty, Drinking Motives, and Alcohol Consumption in a Community Sample of Emerging Adults
Psychological Flexibility and Compassion Training for Equality in Organizations: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Diversity and Inclusion Intervention
Parental Depression Symptoms, Skin Conductance Level Reactivity and Parenting: Associations with Youth Psychopathology
Late Adolescents’ Early Maladaptive Schemas: Are They Longitudinally Linked with Middle Childhood Temperament Over and Above Attachment?
Weight Stigma in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Case Series Informing Implications for Research and Practice
Exploring the Impact of Mentoring on Faculty Engagement and Retention Among Behavioral Health Faculty in Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
Our Greatest Resource in Academic Health Centers: A Special Issue Focused on Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
Concern for Police Brutality, Societal Discrimination, and School Shootings and Subsequent Cigarette and Cannabis Use in Los Angeles County Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Youth: a Longitudinal Study
Anxiety sensitivity and COVID-19 mental health, fatigue, and well-being: a longitudinal examination among adults from the United States during March–October 2020
Sharing the Care: One Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation’s Approach to Out-of-Home Care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
Dynamic or Static Goal Regulation: Implications of Weak and Strong Bonds Between Autonomous/Controlled Reasons and Aims for Achievement Goal Striving
Past, Present, and a Call to the Future: Four Editors Share Their Experiences with the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Dirty lives, wild birds, clean places, and exceptional health: a critical discourse analysis of Danish and Norwegian news coverage of avian influenza risk
An Overview of Pharmacotherapy in the Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder at a Public Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal