Do the norms of tolerance for child physical abuse modify the intergenerational transmission of physical abuse?
Navigating Cumulative Disadvantages of Migration, Care, and Employment Regimes: Dependent Immigrants in Canada
The association between maternal social information processing and preschool children social and learning problems via maternal insightfulness and children’s social information processing
Using social research and development methods in artist-mediated workshops with Myanmar refugee women to design a culturally responsive community resettlement center
Skills training collaboration with social work and cinematic art educators to develop innovative practices among those impacted by PTSD
The role of individual and environmental socio-economic resources for cognitive change in very old age
Overview of rural credit environment in China: Measurement logic, evaluation system, and case analysis
Strategies for Cultivating Organizational Legitimacy among Core-Stigmatized Service Providers: The Case of Syringe Service Programs
Intergenerational transmission of physical abuse, probability of conviction, and laws against abuse in Tunisia
Gambling outlets as agents of local area disorganization: Crime and local institutions, the case of the UK
Inflation, Fiscal Policy, and Inequality: The Impact of the Post‐Pandemic Price Surge and Fiscal Measures on European Households
Perception, practice and associated factors of labour pain management among obstetric care providers in public health facilities in Harari Region, Ethiopia: a multicentre cross-sectional study
Engineering the filial self. Negotiating the moral construction of filial piety at different government levels in China
A Conformance Variation Approach for Ex-Post Master Plan Evaluation: Unveiling Urban Realities in Indian Million-Plus Cities
A “Wise” Intervention to Increase Hand Hygiene Compliance of Nurses in Acute Care Units in US Hospitals: A Multiple Baseline Interrupted Time-Series Evaluation
Factors that Facilitate Informal Advance Care Planning Conversations With Family: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Black Adults With Kidney Failure
An Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed Intervention in Secure Juvenile Detention: The Impact on Youth-Level Incidents of Violence
Disability, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation: An Intersectional Analysis Assessing Perceived Threat of Hate Crimes
Attitudes towards the regulation and provision of abortion among healthcare professionals in Britain: cross-sectional survey data from the SACHA Study
Child Fatalities Resulting From Caregiver Behavior: A Public Health Approach to Child Maltreatment Classification
Intensifying Tier 1 Classroom Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Practices to Support Students With Disabilities: A Pilot Study
Relational and cultural continuity for children in foster care; A critical exploration of national policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland
‘What’s at stake?’ An exploration on the merits and drawbacks of the Welcome Corps Program, a private sponsorship of refugees
Supporting emotion regulation in children on the autism spectrum: co-developing a digital mental health application for school-based settings with community partners
Relations Between Psychological Maltreatment by Teachers and Cyberbullying Perpetration Among Elementary School Students: The Roles of Self-Esteem and Sex
Enhancing Effort-Moderated Item Response Theory Models by Evaluating a Two-Step Estimation Method and Multidimensional Variations on the Model
Consequences of forced conjunction: Social work’s struggles for independence from sociology in mainland China