Women Make Gains in the Workplace Amid a Rising Demand for Skilled Workers
COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States*†
* This table represents cases detected and tested in the United States through U.S. public health surveillance systems since January 21, 2020. It does not include people who returned to the U.S. via State Department-chartered flights.
Causes of Memory Loss in Elderly Persons
Final Opportunity Zone Rules Could Raise Tax Break’s Cost
U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided
The Youngest New Yorkers: The Early Childhood Poverty Tracker
Child Maltreatment 2018: Almost one in 100 children found to be maltreated, but great variation among states and populations
Youth violence
Renters With the Lowest Incomes Are Most Likely to Pay Too Much for Housing
Guidance updated on PSA testing for prostate cancer
Gutting the IRS: The IRS Decided to Get Tough Against Microsoft. Microsoft Got Tougher.
The Unholy Trinity: Childhood Trauma, Adulthood Anxiety, and Long-Term Pain
Non-Defense Programs Face Tight Funding in 2021
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) support: Rescuing the reforms
Tobacco Product Use Among High School Students
Unintentional Injuries
Is the criminal justice system fit for purpose?
You Are Unvaccinated and Got Sick. These Are Your Odds.
Time to care
Childhood Obesity Is a Major Problem. Research Isn’t Helping.
State Scorecard for Children 10 to 17: Mississippi and Kentucky are each at over 40 percent for children who are either overweight or obese.
Suicide – 2
Suicide affects all ages. Suicide is a problem throughout the life span. It is the second leading cause of death for people 10 to 34 years of age, the fourth leading cause among people 35 to 54 years of age, and the eighth leading cause among people 55 to 64 years of age.
Suicide – 1
Universal Credit: Does the monthly design work for claimants?
Universal Credit (UC) is replacing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age. Around 7 million households will receive payments totalling around £60 billion a year when it’s fully introduced.
Housing and Health Partners Can Work Together to Close the Housing Affordability Gap
Cluster Analysis and Cluster Ranking for Asthma Inpatient Hospitalizations Among Children, Adolescents, and Adults Aged 0 to 19 Years in Cook County, Illinois, 2011-2014
Expected number of births over a woman’s lifetime: 1940-2018
Medicaid Can Partner With Housing Providers and Others to Address Enrollees’ Social Needs
Percentage of Emergency Department Visits for Pain at Which Opioids Were Given or Prescribed, by Geographic Region of the Hospital — United States, 2005–2017
Victim Service Providers in the United States, 2017
More Americans now see ‘very high’ preventive health benefits from measles vaccine
Infant Mortality Attributable to Birth Defects — United States, 2003–2017
More Nutritious School Meals Reach Millions of Children Since Passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
Social Security Disability: Action Needed to Help Agency Staff Understand and Follow Policies Related to Prescription Opioid Misuse
This MLK Day, Let’s Remember the Links Between Racial Justice and State Tax Policy
50 years ago: Mixed views about civil rights but support for Selma demonstrators
70% of Americans say U.S. economic system unfairly favors the powerful
How much does the government spend on social care?
Young people tend to have more positive opinions of the U.S.
Finland’s family cafes are helping solve one of parenting’s biggest problems
Improving indoor air quality
California’s homelessness crisis — and possible solutions — explained
In a state with vast amounts of wealth, more than 150,000 of its residents sleep in shelters, cars, or on the street.