Late medieval philosophical and theological discussions of mental disorders: Witelo, Oresme, Gerson

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Businesses on 55th Street in Hyde Park announce their eviction. “In 1947, pushed by this coalition [business leaders and nonprofits, including ITT and the University of Chicago], Chicago Mayor Martin Kennelly reached an agreement with New York Life Insurance Company to build the “Lake Meadows” development on the near Southside.”
Sylvia Pankhurst: suffragette, socialist and ‘scourge of the empire’
Sixteenth-century La Española: Glimpses of the first blacks of the early colonial Americas
Coloured engraving from Joseph Racknitz’s 1789 pamphlet which attempted to reveal the secret workings of William Kempelen’s alleged chess-playing automaton “The Turk”
Flyer for the Camden Lesbian Centre and Black Lesbian Group, Phoenix Road, London
Dr. Thomas Story Kirkbride, who served the Pennsylvania Hospital as the superintendent from 1841-1883 created a humane and compassionate environment for his patients, and believed that beautiful settings restored patients to a more natural “balance of the senses”. Dr. Kirkbride’s progressive therapies and innovative writings on hospital design along with management became known as the Kirkbride Plan, which influenced, in one form or another, almost every American state hospital by the turn of the century including Danvers
When it was founded by German Jews in 1889, the Educational Alliance successfully managed to follow University Settlement House’s initial footsteps by setting up shop in the Lower East Side with a large building of its own. In doing so, it immediately achieved prominence as a premier settlement house serving immigrants.
Centre for Research on Globalization | NY Times
Clinton converted welfare into cheap labor ‘workfare’, exploiting the poorest and most vulnerable and condemning the next generations to grinding poverty. Under Clinton the prison population of mostly African Americans expanded and the breakup of families ravaged the urban communities.