The affect lab: The history and limits of measuring emotion
Gender inequality and the Irish Revolution: the girls of Na Fianna Éireann, 1911–22
Volume 33, Issue 7, December 2024, Page 977-1000
Freeman’s Challenge: The murder that shook America’s original prison for profit
Emotions in the making: sexual violence in the Japanese empire, 1937–1945
Writing for Social Change in Temperance Periodicals: Conviction and Career
Queering family history and the lives of Irish men before gay liberation
Volume 29, Issue 1, March 2024
‘Star Men’ in English Convict Prisons, 1879–1948
This book tells the story of the star class, a segregated division for first offenders in English convict prisons; known informally as ‘star men’, convicts assigned to the division were identified by a red star sewn to their uniforms. ‘Star Men’ in English Convict Prisons, 1879–1948 investigates the origins of the star class in the years leading up to its establishment in 1879, and charts its subsequent development during the late-Victorian, Edwardian, and interwar decades.
Illegitimacy: family & stigma in England, 1660–1834
Rituals of Migration: Italians and Irish on the Move
Child psychology from Vienna to London: Charlotte Bühler, concepts of childhood, and parenting advice in interwar Britain
The ABC of history education: a comparison of Australian, British and Canadian approaches to teaching national and First Nations histories
Models of leaving home: patterns and trends in Sweden, 1830–1959
Volume 28, Issue 3, June – August 2023, Page 601-629
The Routledge History of Loneliness, 1st Ed
The Joint Commission on the Mental Health of Children, 1965–1970: Emotional disturbance, race and paths not taken in child psychiatry
The politics of recovery: Women’s mental health activism in the UK, 1986–2002, with a focus on Bristol Crisis Service for Women
San Leucio, the utopian social labor experiment in the pre-unification Southern Italy
Volume 65, Issue 6, December 2024, Page 821-834
Taxis v. Uber in Paris: technology, capital, and the sharing economy
The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud
Ailing Empires: The Morphine Issue in Sino-foreign Relations at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century
Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain: Oral Histories 1930s-Present Day
The Dark Side of Early Soviet Childhood, 1917-1941: Children’s Tragedy
Between feminism and partisanship: the rise and decline of the women’s movement in Belize, 1975–1993
Care as untranslatable
History of the Human Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Care has become an overdetermined word in the medical humanities and beyond, a focus not only of debate around the nature and purpose of the field, but also of the wider issue of the status of medicine in relation to society and the individual. As a symptom of this problematic, this article proposes care as an ‘untranslatable’, in the sense defined by Barbara Cassin. This is pursued via an engagement with the history of the ethics of care and with its translation into francophone contexts as une éthique du care, in tension with the philosophie du soin elaborated in the work of Frédéric Worms, and then with the several translations into French and English of Sorge and its derivations Besorgen and Fürsorge in Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit (Being and Time). A genealogy of care is thus established, and what emerges as the principal motif of its untranslatability is the relation between a primary form of relationality and the socio-technical dimension in which we may recognise healthcare.
Building the Worlds That Kill Us: Disease, Death, and Inequality in American History
Becoming Lesbian: A Queer History of Modern France
Establishing the U.S. Aging Research Enterprise: Founding of the National Institute on Aging
Forgotten histories: what fetal and baby remains in medical collections tell us about inequality
New Zealand’s 1875 Anatomy Act mirrored British laws that allowed the use of unclaimed bodies from public institutions, like hospitals and asylums, for anatomical study. These laws disproportionately affected impoverished families. Hospitals were able to retain custody of the deceased when families lacked financial means for burial or an individual’s body lay “unclaimed”.
Trends in assortative mating in the United States, 1700–1910. Evidence from FamiLinx data
Volume 29, Issue 4, October 2024
The Spartan mother in America: 1865–1900
Psychedelic Marxism: The Ecstatic States of the Body in the White Panther Party around 1970
Unravelling National Time: Chinese Voices and the Re-ordering of Australian History
Between obedience and resistance: transforming the role of pupil councils and pupil organisations in Sweden (1928–1989)
Working the salterns. Convict workers in the natural salt pans of Hambantota, in British colonial Sri Lanka
‘A proposal for research in the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders’, by Alexander H Leighton (1950)
History of Psychiatry, Ahead of Print.
The Classic Text is an outline of the Stirling County Study as conceptualized by Alexander H Leighton. It was first presented at a conference held in 1949 organized by the Milbank Memorial Fund, an American philanthropic foundation. The meeting brought together 30–40 experts from across North America. Leighton succinctly explained his frame of reference for the epidemiology of mental disorders and the methodology of the community-based study he conducted in Nova Scotia. The introduction to the text explains contextual points, certain specificities of Leighton’s framework, and the discussions that surrounded it, largely dominated by a group of Harvard professors, including Erich Lindemann and John E Gordon.
War, Women, and Sex Work in Occupied Istanbul, 1918–1923
Why Us Too? Japanese Views of Immigration and Racial Exclusion in Australia
Early state socialism and eugenics: Premarital medical certificates in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Poland in the aftermath of World War II
Situating love and loss: making a film, re-making a world
Origins of the Minneapolis Homeless Shelter Movement
People without housing in St. Stephen’s Church, Minneapolis. Photo by Minneapolis Tribune photographer Mike Zerby taken on July 2, 1982.
Power and patriarchy in the British country house: introduction to the special issue
Nineteenth-century narratives of addiction: Relational harm and the child as witness
‘Wundt’s work is merely an incident in one of the challenging scholarly careers on recent history’: The media and academic reception of Völkerpsychologie, 1900–1920
History of the Human Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Wundt’s Völkerpsychologie (VP) is an exceptional case in the history of psychology. Outlined in 1863 in the second volume of Vorlesungen über Menschen- und Thierseele (Lectures on the Human and Animal Soul), VP was finally published 37 years later in 10 volumes during the last 20 years of the author’s life. The work was characterized by an ambitious program of multimethod and transdisciplinary research. This article explores the intellectual and contextual reasons for the early successes and failures of VP. We analyzed n = 264 articles published in the German press and n = 220 books, reviews, and articles published in scientific journals that explicitly cited the 10 volumes between 1900 and 1920. VP received considerable criticism from linguists and philologists, who claimed that its results were of little practical use for their research. The first volumes of VP were criticized for their abstract character and psychological indifferentism; on the other hand, positive reviews emphasized their attempt to systematize and give a philosophical order to the individual investigations of philology, linguistics, comparative history, religious studies, and so on. The normative-methodological role that VP tried to play in relation to the other historical sciences was significantly criticized, and this was a determining factor in its diminishing impact over time. Some of Wundt’s hypotheses were philosophically at odds with the project of German cultural imperialism that was being developed at the time and with which most of his intellectual enemies agreed.
Disrupting the Reproductive Lives of Japanese American Families During Wartime: The Overlapping Histories of Removal, Incarceration, and Eugenic Sterilization, 1942–1946
On Addiction: Insights from History, Ethnography, and Critical Theory
When social provision became a bordering practice: The association ‘assistance to redeemed Italy’ and children’s welfare in Italy’s northeastern borderlands, 1919-1939
Childhood, Ahead of Print.
This article axplores children’s welfare in Italy’s northeastern borderlands after WWI. Using the case of a semi-public aid association “Assistenza all’Italia Redenta” (Assistance to Redeemed Italy), the author examines children’s welfare before and after the installation of the fascist regime. She focuses in particular on preschools as a vital source of sociomedical and educational assistance to children in this mutlilingual and multiethnic region. But this assistance came with a quid pro quo, for children recieved it on condition that they learn the Italian language. The article thus explores how social welfare may be instrumentalized for nationalist purposes in borderland regions marked by cultural and national diversity.
HMT Empire Windrush
HMT Empire Windrush became synonymous with the voyage it completed in 1948, transporting hundreds of West Indians and people from other countries via the Caribbean to England. In the years that passed since its journey, the people who disembarked from this ship began new lives, with many choosing to stay in the UK and form new roots far away from home.