Social Care and Mental Health Indicators from the National Indicator Set: 2010-11 provisional release
Income Research Paper Series: "Low-income Dynamics and Determinants Under Different Thresholds: New Findings for Canada in 2000 and Beyond", no. 3
VA Mental Health: Number of Veterans Receiving Care, Barriers Faced, and Efforts to Increase Access, October 14, 2011
Funding Allocations Distributed Under Program Announcement (PA) 04012 by State and Local Health Departments in 2008 and 2009 for CDC-Supported HIV Prevention Projects
Inpatients formally detained in hospitals under the Mental Health Act 1983 and patients subject to supervised community treatment, Annual figures, England 2010/11
Developing Interdisciplinary Centers in Aging: Learning from the RAND/Hartford Building Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers Initiative
Projecting the Adequacy of Canadians’ Retirement Incomes: Current Prospects and Possible Reform Options
Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injuries Related to Sports and Recreation Activities Among Persons Aged ≤19 Years — United States, 2001–2009
Ensuring Equity: A Post-Reform Framework to Achieve High Performance Health Care for Vulnerable Populations
DOD and VA Health Care: Action Needed to Strengthen Integration across Care Coordination and Case Management Programs
Teaching diversities: same sex attracted young people, CALD communities, and arts-based community education