Sixth Annual Report to Congress: From Strong Beginnings to Youth Resilience – Pathways Out of Adversity
The tyrannies of distance and disadvantage: factors related to children’s development in regional and disadvantaged areas of Australia
Social Security Death Data: Additional Action Needed to Address Data Errors and Federal Agency Access. GAO-14-46
Banning the Use of Racial Preferences in Higher Education: A Legal Analysis of Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
The Effects of Social Origins and Cognitive Ability on Educational Attainment: Evidence from Britain and Sweden
Effectiveness of school-based life-skills and alcohol education programmes: a review of the literature
Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming in United Nations Peacekeeping activities in (MONUC/MONUSCO) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Product/Study: Education and occupation of high-income Canadians, National Household Survey: Income and Housing: "National Household Survey in Brief Series"
Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments, England – 2012-13, Annual report