The State of Girls: Unfinished Business is a groundbreaking report from the Girl Scout Research Institute that stakes out key issues and major trends affecting girls’ leadership and healthy development in the U.S. today. A report of this magnitude and breadth focusing specifically on girls has never been conducted, making it a much-needed resource in the field. As the “voice for and of girls,” Girl Scouts believes it is critical for those who support girls to have up to date, accurate information about the state of girls’ physical, social and psychological well-being.
The report finds that while there is promising news for girls in areas such as their educational attainment, many girls are being left behind, and not all girls are faring the same. In particular, black/African American and Hispanic/Latina girls face significant challenges in making successful transitions to adulthood. However, we know that “data is not destiny” and Girl Scouting is committed to ensuring all girls reach their full potential.