Sub-national health expectancies – Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Upper Tier Local Authority: England 2008-10
Introducing the main findings from: Changing Lifestyles, Keeping Children Safe: an evaluation of the first Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) in care proceedings
Monthly Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS) Reports, England – February 2014 summary statistics and related information
Building effective responses: an independent review of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence services in Wales
Behavioral Economics and Social Policy: Designing Innovative Solutions for Programs Supported by the Administration for Children and Families
The Role of Program Quality in Determining Head Start’s Impact on Child Development: Third Grade Follow-Up to the Head Start Impact Study
Helping parents cope with babies’ crying: evidence from a pilot programme to support parents and keep babies safe
One-punch laws, mandatory minimums and ‘alcohol-fuelled’ as an aggravating factor: implications for NSW criminal law
Child Protection All Party Parliamentary Group seminar series on child sexual abuse: recommendations for the prevention of child sexual abuse and better support for victims