How Republicans in Congress are trying to quietly privatize SNAP through the back door of disaster relief
Embedding ‘No Wrong Doors for young carers’ – working together to support young carers and their families: Leeds City Council
Briefing note on anticipatory action: An innovative tool at the intersection of disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response
Early warning systems and early action in fragile, conflict-affected and violent contexts: Addressing growing climate and disaster risks
On (Not) Speaking the Same Language: Understanding How College Students Describe Intimate Partner Violence
Findings from the Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery National Minimum Dataset pilot, July to December 2022
Japan and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are collaborating to support Lao PDR in building resilience for the people in the southern part of Lao PDR
Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society | Social media: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Integrating disease outbreaks and strengthening of health in whole-of-society disaster risk management
Challenging future projected for children in 2050 in world transformed by extreme climate crises, population shifts, and tech disparities