Despite the knowledge that the entire family system plays a role in the development of an individual, research on the disclosure
of LG sexual orientation to the family of origin is mostly concentrated on the parental reaction. Siblings are rarely a focus
of such research. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative study was to provide an understanding of the experiences of 14 heterosexual
biological siblings of LG persons after they learn that their sister or brother is LG. More specifically, this study explored
the changing family dynamics with a focus on the sibling of a LG sister or brother and the ways in which sexual orientation
disclosure affects the sibling relationship. Data analysis identified ten themes: personal reaction to disclosure, suspecting
sibling was LG based on stereotyping, protectiveness/concern, gay equals being different, anger/disappointment in how parent(s)
handled LG sibling coming out, sibling relationship changes, increased comfort with having a LG sibling, disclosure of LG
sibling sexual orientation to others, dealing with and challenging heterosexism, and changes to self as a result of sibling
sexual orientation.
of LG sexual orientation to the family of origin is mostly concentrated on the parental reaction. Siblings are rarely a focus
of such research. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative study was to provide an understanding of the experiences of 14 heterosexual
biological siblings of LG persons after they learn that their sister or brother is LG. More specifically, this study explored
the changing family dynamics with a focus on the sibling of a LG sister or brother and the ways in which sexual orientation
disclosure affects the sibling relationship. Data analysis identified ten themes: personal reaction to disclosure, suspecting
sibling was LG based on stereotyping, protectiveness/concern, gay equals being different, anger/disappointment in how parent(s)
handled LG sibling coming out, sibling relationship changes, increased comfort with having a LG sibling, disclosure of LG
sibling sexual orientation to others, dealing with and challenging heterosexism, and changes to self as a result of sibling
sexual orientation.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-19
- DOI 10.1007/s10591-011-9157-3
- Authors
- Angela N. Hilton, Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0900, USA
- Dawn M. Szymanski, Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0900, USA
- Journal Contemporary Family Therapy
- Online ISSN 1573-3335
- Print ISSN 0892-2764