This article examines the public opinion of randomly selected Pennsylvanians on their support for racial profiling at airports. The 2009 Penn State Poll revealed that most Pennsylvanians felt that profiling was occurring at airports—but did not support the practice. Building on prior research, the research introduced three new measures into the area of public opinion on racial profiling. These included the role of perceived effectiveness, perceived discrimination, and ethical values in influencing public opinion on racial profiling. Respondents who felt racial profiling in airports was effective and was discriminatory were more likely to believe it was occurring. In terms of support for racial profiling, those who felt the practice was discriminatory and unethical were less likely to support it, whereas conversely, those who felt the practice was effective tended to support its use. We argue that the public needs to be better informed about the strategies that have been proven to be most effective in reducing the threat of terrorist attacks.