African Caribbean women are under-represented within mental health services in the United Kingdom, despite sociocontextual vulnerabilities which may increase emotional distress. This qualitative study aimed to explore individual explanatory models of experiences of distress, coping and help-seeking choices, with a view to improving cultural relevance of services. Participants were recruited following their self-referral to self-help community wellbeing workshops. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was carried out following semi-structured interviews with seven African Caribbean women in central London, who reported previously experiencing emotional distress. The study was conducted during 2009. Five super-ordinate themes emerged from the data: explanations of distress, experiences of distress, managing distress, social and cultural influences and seeking help. Each super-ordinate theme consisted of several subthemes which described participants’ experiences. Gender roles and a cultural legacy of being strong and hiding distress emerged as influential in participants’ beliefs about managing personal difficulties. However, this was balanced with an acknowledgement that intergenerational differences highlighted an increasing acceptance amongst the community of talking about issues and seeking professional support. The findings offered support for the notion that understandings and responses to personal distress are subject to broad-ranging and interwoven influences. This complexity may be conceptualised as an ‘exploratory map’ where individuals make links between their current and newly encountered knowledge and experience to guide their personal route to coping and help-seeking. The study provides support for tailoring services to individual needs using a flexible approach which empowers individuals from black and minority ethnic groups by valuing explanatory models of distress alternative to the westernised medical model. Furthermore, findings emphasise the importance of readily available and accessible information about statutory and non-statutory community resources which use language relevant to the communities they are aimed at engaging.