This study explores the effect of providing regular help with personal care to a resident or non-resident parent or parent-in-law
on different aspects of psychological well-being. We use cross-sectional data from the Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation
(LOGG) study (N ~ 15,000, age 18–79) and two-wave panel data from the Norwegian study on Life course, Ageing and Generation
(NorLAG) (N ~ 3,000, age 40–79). We separate outcomes into cognitive well-being (life satisfaction, partnership satisfaction,
self-esteem), affective well-being (happiness, positive and negative affect, depression, loneliness) and sense of mastery.
Caregiver status is largely unrelated to these aspects of well-being, both in cross-section and longitudinally. One notable
exception is that caring for a resident (but not a non-resident) parent relates to lower affective well-being among women,
also longitudinally. This effect is more marked among unpartnered and lower educated women. In addition, caring for a non-resident
parent is associated with a positive change in sense of mastery among women. The results reviewed and presented indicate that
caregiving has less detrimental effects in the Nordic countries than in other countries, highlighting the role of social policies
and care systems in shaping the impact of caregiving on well-being.
on different aspects of psychological well-being. We use cross-sectional data from the Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation
(LOGG) study (N ~ 15,000, age 18–79) and two-wave panel data from the Norwegian study on Life course, Ageing and Generation
(NorLAG) (N ~ 3,000, age 40–79). We separate outcomes into cognitive well-being (life satisfaction, partnership satisfaction,
self-esteem), affective well-being (happiness, positive and negative affect, depression, loneliness) and sense of mastery.
Caregiver status is largely unrelated to these aspects of well-being, both in cross-section and longitudinally. One notable
exception is that caring for a resident (but not a non-resident) parent relates to lower affective well-being among women,
also longitudinally. This effect is more marked among unpartnered and lower educated women. In addition, caring for a non-resident
parent is associated with a positive change in sense of mastery among women. The results reviewed and presented indicate that
caregiving has less detrimental effects in the Nordic countries than in other countries, highlighting the role of social policies
and care systems in shaping the impact of caregiving on well-being.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-21
- DOI 10.1007/s11205-012-0148-z
- Authors
- Thomas Hansen, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Pb. 3223 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway
- Britt Slagsvold, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Pb. 3223 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway
- Reidun Ingebretsen, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Pb. 3223 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway
- Journal Social Indicators Research
- Online ISSN 1573-0921
- Print ISSN 0303-8300