We use a cross-country survey of attitudes toward work and unions, which includes a sample of managers in both the US and
Canada, to explore whether there is greater attitudinal hostility to unions in the U.S. Our estimates indicate that American
manager’s attitudes towards unions are, perhaps surprisingly, less hostile than those of Canadian managers. We explain this
first finding by the differential effect of perceived union power, which is greater in Canada than the US and which is correlated
negatively with union approval. We also find that US managers are less likely to use extreme methods to oppose union organizing
drives, implying that the lower union rates in the US as compared to Canada are not likely the result of greater negativity
towards unions themselves but rather some other factor or combination of factors. The implication is that if Canadian managers
faced the same labor relations playing field as their US counterparts, they would likely find it easier to thwart union certification
drives as well. Alternatively stated, Canadian-style labor relations reforms (such as card-check systems or quicker certification
votes) could perhaps tip the balance in favor of unions when organizing in the US.
Canada, to explore whether there is greater attitudinal hostility to unions in the U.S. Our estimates indicate that American
manager’s attitudes towards unions are, perhaps surprisingly, less hostile than those of Canadian managers. We explain this
first finding by the differential effect of perceived union power, which is greater in Canada than the US and which is correlated
negatively with union approval. We also find that US managers are less likely to use extreme methods to oppose union organizing
drives, implying that the lower union rates in the US as compared to Canada are not likely the result of greater negativity
towards unions themselves but rather some other factor or combination of factors. The implication is that if Canadian managers
faced the same labor relations playing field as their US counterparts, they would likely find it easier to thwart union certification
drives as well. Alternatively stated, Canadian-style labor relations reforms (such as card-check systems or quicker certification
votes) could perhaps tip the balance in favor of unions when organizing in the US.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-21
- DOI 10.1007/s12122-012-9150-0
- Authors
- Michele Campolieti, Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, 121 St. George, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Rafael Gomez, Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, 121 St. George, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Morley Gunderson, Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, 121 St. George, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Journal Journal of Labor Research
- Online ISSN 1936-4768
- Print ISSN 0195-3613