This study explored undergraduate students’ interpersonal responses, namely general feelings toward and desire for further
social interaction with trans persons in a helping context. Secondarily, this study explored the relationship between participants’
intrinsic empathy, interpersonal curiosity and interest in further interaction. Two hundred fifty-one undergraduates at a
moderate sized university in the southeastern United States served as participants. In order to assess baseline levels of
empathy and curiosity, participants in session 1 completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Scale (Davis 1983) and the Interpersonal Curiosity Scale (Litman and Pezzo 2007). One week later, during session 2, the same students assumed the role of a peer counselor and read 1 of 4 (male, female,
male-to-female, female-to-male) randomly assigned versions of an intake form completed by a fictitious peer client. Each version
was identical, with the exception of the gender identity of the peer client. Participants completed various measures of affect
and interest in further interaction. Male participants reported less willingness to interact with, and the strongest negative
feelings toward the FTM peer client. Men reported highest willingness to interact with the MTF client and showed the lowest
negative reactions towards the MTF client. Female participants’ scores on willingness to interact and on negative reactions
were similar across all four intake form versions. Contrary to expectations, baseline levels of empathy and curiosity did
not impact responses to gender expression. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the factors associated with anti-transgender
prejudice particularly in the context of helping relationships.
social interaction with trans persons in a helping context. Secondarily, this study explored the relationship between participants’
intrinsic empathy, interpersonal curiosity and interest in further interaction. Two hundred fifty-one undergraduates at a
moderate sized university in the southeastern United States served as participants. In order to assess baseline levels of
empathy and curiosity, participants in session 1 completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Scale (Davis 1983) and the Interpersonal Curiosity Scale (Litman and Pezzo 2007). One week later, during session 2, the same students assumed the role of a peer counselor and read 1 of 4 (male, female,
male-to-female, female-to-male) randomly assigned versions of an intake form completed by a fictitious peer client. Each version
was identical, with the exception of the gender identity of the peer client. Participants completed various measures of affect
and interest in further interaction. Male participants reported less willingness to interact with, and the strongest negative
feelings toward the FTM peer client. Men reported highest willingness to interact with the MTF client and showed the lowest
negative reactions towards the MTF client. Female participants’ scores on willingness to interact and on negative reactions
were similar across all four intake form versions. Contrary to expectations, baseline levels of empathy and curiosity did
not impact responses to gender expression. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the factors associated with anti-transgender
prejudice particularly in the context of helping relationships.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Article
- Pages 1-12
- DOI 10.1007/s11199-012-0193-8
- Authors
- Lynne Carroll, Department of Public Health, University of North Florida, 1UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224-2676, USA
- Dominik Güss, Department of Psychology, University of North Florida, 1UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224-2676, USA
- Kimberly S. Hutchinson, Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- Andy A. Gauler, Department of Public Health, University of North Florida, 1UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224-2676, USA
- Journal Sex Roles
- Online ISSN 1573-2762
- Print ISSN 0360-0025