Within the different arenas of social work practice, community based mental health is among the most advanced in terms of
defining a set of evidence based practices (EBPs). Social workers play a major role in the delivery of community based mental
health and are at the forefront of efforts to implement these practices through state and federal initiatives. One such initiative
is The New York Office of Mental Health Evidence Based Project, which is designed to increase the knowledge and skills related
to evidence-based practice among New York’s mental health human services workforce. The project had a social work component,
which trained students in implementing EBP’s through specially designed curricula and field placements. The students participating
in the project encountered numerous challenges in the field including lack of agency “buy-in” and infrastructure support;
inadequate training and resources; poor supervision; and provider resistance. From the multilevel perspectives of educator,
clinician and researcher, this paper addresses these challenges and makes recommendations to facilitate the implementation
of EBPs.
defining a set of evidence based practices (EBPs). Social workers play a major role in the delivery of community based mental
health and are at the forefront of efforts to implement these practices through state and federal initiatives. One such initiative
is The New York Office of Mental Health Evidence Based Project, which is designed to increase the knowledge and skills related
to evidence-based practice among New York’s mental health human services workforce. The project had a social work component,
which trained students in implementing EBP’s through specially designed curricula and field placements. The students participating
in the project encountered numerous challenges in the field including lack of agency “buy-in” and infrastructure support;
inadequate training and resources; poor supervision; and provider resistance. From the multilevel perspectives of educator,
clinician and researcher, this paper addresses these challenges and makes recommendations to facilitate the implementation
of EBPs.
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/s10615-010-0309-y
- Authors
- Victoria Stanhope, School of Social Work, New York University, 1 Washington Square N, New York, NY 10003-6654, USA
- Ellen Tuchman, School of Social Work, New York University, 1 Washington Square N, New York, NY 10003-6654, USA
- William Sinclair, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY USA
- Journal Clinical Social Work Journal
- Online ISSN 1573-3343
- Print ISSN 0091-1674