Are middle schools ill-suited for early adolescents, or can school characteristics account for any differences in student
functioning? Achievement, school engagement, and perceived competence of children starting middle schools in 5th and 6th grades
were compared to those of their same-grade peers in elementary schools in a national, longitudinal sample (NICHD Study of
Early Child Care and Youth Development, n = 855; 52% Female, 82% White). Classroom quality (observed and teacher-reported) and school characteristics (composition
and size) were considered as explanations for any relationships between school-level and student functioning. Fifth grade
middle school students did not differ from those in elementary school, but students entering middle school in 6th grade, compared
to those in elementary school, experienced lower classroom quality, which in turn predicted slightly lower achievement. They
also had lower school engagement, explained by larger school size. Classroom quality and school characteristics predicted
youth functioning regardless of school type. We suggest reshaping the research and policy debate with renewed focus on classroom
quality and school size instead of grade organization.
functioning? Achievement, school engagement, and perceived competence of children starting middle schools in 5th and 6th grades
were compared to those of their same-grade peers in elementary schools in a national, longitudinal sample (NICHD Study of
Early Child Care and Youth Development, n = 855; 52% Female, 82% White). Classroom quality (observed and teacher-reported) and school characteristics (composition
and size) were considered as explanations for any relationships between school-level and student functioning. Fifth grade
middle school students did not differ from those in elementary school, but students entering middle school in 6th grade, compared
to those in elementary school, experienced lower classroom quality, which in turn predicted slightly lower achievement. They
also had lower school engagement, explained by larger school size. Classroom quality and school characteristics predicted
youth functioning regardless of school type. We suggest reshaping the research and policy debate with renewed focus on classroom
quality and school size instead of grade organization.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Empirical Research
- Pages 1-13
- DOI 10.1007/s10964-011-9732-9
- Authors
- Igor Holas, Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, A2702, 108 Dean Keaton, Austin, TX 78712-0141, USA
- Aletha C. Huston, Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, A2702, 108 Dean Keaton, Austin, TX 78712-0141, USA
- Journal Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Online ISSN 1573-6601
- Print ISSN 0047-2891