This is a review of the book “Wellbeing—The Five Essential Elements”, written by Tom Rath, a workplace researcher and leadership
consultant and by Jim Harter chief, scientist for Gallup’s workplace management and wellbeing practices. The book is published
in 2010 by GALLUP PRESS, New York, USA. Wellbeing The Five Essential Elements provides the reader, the general audience, academics and wellbeing practitioners alike with a broader view of what contributes
to wellbeing over a period of some time. On reading this book, the readers will acquaint themselves with what the authors
believe makes life meaningful in the 21st Century and beyond. This will help the broader spectrum of readers to enjoy the
journey of daily life, while contributing to the wellbeing of friends, colleagues, community members and family members.
consultant and by Jim Harter chief, scientist for Gallup’s workplace management and wellbeing practices. The book is published
in 2010 by GALLUP PRESS, New York, USA. Wellbeing The Five Essential Elements provides the reader, the general audience, academics and wellbeing practitioners alike with a broader view of what contributes
to wellbeing over a period of some time. On reading this book, the readers will acquaint themselves with what the authors
believe makes life meaningful in the 21st Century and beyond. This will help the broader spectrum of readers to enjoy the
journey of daily life, while contributing to the wellbeing of friends, colleagues, community members and family members.
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/s11482-010-9127-1
- Authors
- P. Stefan Kruger, Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, 2520 South Africa
- Journal Applied Research in Quality of Life
- Online ISSN 1871-2576
- Print ISSN 1871-2584