This second article of two articles on the base rate of invalid response set in forensic disability and related assessments (FDRA) concentrates on presenting in depth the 118 studies found on the question after an exhaustive literature search. The articles are presented in tabular format, including for their samples, procedures, performance and symptom validity tests used, their cut scores, specificities, and sensitivities, if available, their results for the question at hand, and applicable comments. The articles are analyzed also for their results on multiple criteria found in the literature related to invalid response set. This prepares the way for 17 additional analyses on the question at hand, all towards establishing whether there is support for the higher estimate in the field on the base rate of invalid response set in FDRA, compared to the lower one. Except for a few minor points, the lower estimate in the field was the one supported by the results. Note that the tables presenting the details of the many studies reviewed on the question are given in the Supplementary Materials that accompany the article online, and they contain, as well, the details of the calculations in the analyses undertaken with them.