Teaching of Psychology, Ahead of Print.
IntroductionThe proliferation and accessibility of generative artificial intelligence (AI) have led to strong reactions across the academia.Statement of the ProblemTeachers can adapt to the availability of AI by integrating disclosure statements about its use into courses, which may promote student learning.Literature ReviewSuggestions to include AI disclosure statements from academia and industry align with several of the major goals of the APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Major 3.0.Teaching ImplicationsIncorporating use of AI disclosure statements may support students’ achievement of APA learning outcomes. These statements ask students to disclose their use of AI and consist of the AI “Model” used, the exact “Input” provided, and a description of how the student “Evaluated” the content (“MInE”). Disclosures are advantageous over other methods because of their flexibility and straightforwardness.ConclusionWhen students use AI and disclose their usage, they may learn to communicate ethically and clearly, employ their knowledge of psychology to fact-check output, and develop the skill of disclosure, which is becoming more popular in academic and other professional settings.