Among patients with cancer, a comorbid mental disorder is associated with higher mortality. This could be partially attributed to reduced access to oncological care, sometimes due to treatment refusal. Recommendations were issued in 2018 by the French and Francophone Society of Psycho-Oncology concerning the management of oncological treatment refusal. This study aimed to examine oncology residents’ view on psychiatric assessment in this context.
In February 2021, we conducted a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional pilot study among French residents involved in oncology regarding their management of cancer treatment refusal and the importance they assign to psychiatric assessment, using an online questionnaire with 12 multiple-choice questions.
Among 87 respondents, only 35.6% systematically explore the history of mental disorders when facing cancer treatment refusal. Even in cases with a known history of mental disorders, only 42.5% systematically refer the patient to a psychiatrist. 96.5% of them were unaware of the 2018 recommendations.
The importance given to psychiatric assessment in cases of oncological treatment refusal remains insufficient. Qualitative studies are needed to understand the underlying reasons for this refusal. The development of psychiatric consultation-liaison interventions in oncology centers is necessary to improve the management of these cases and provide appropriate training.