This study aimed to assess the effects of a virtual Mindful Self-compassion (MSC) intervention on mindfulness and self-compassion, empathy, stress, and well-being in Uruguayan primary school teachers, during COVID-19 times.
A quasi-experimental, longitudinal study was conducted with an active control intervention that involved practicing Kundalini yoga (KY). Uruguayan volunteer female teachers were randomly assigned to MSC or KY 9-week virtual training. They completed self-reported psychometric tests and an empathy for pain task (EPT) at pre- and post-training, and follow-up (3 months).
At post-MSC training, mindfulness (observing, non-reactivity, and total mindfulness) and self-compassion (self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, and self-judgment) increased. The empathy dimensions perspective-taking increased and personal distress decreased. Stress decreased and well-being increased. Concerning EPT, the accuracy in attributing intentionality to the harm inflicted, i.e., the intentionality comprehension accuracy, increased. At follow-up, observing and total mindfulness remained elevated, and non-judging increased. Common humanity remained elevated and personal distress remained decreased. Comparing MSC with KY trainings at post-training, the psychometric tests showed that personal distress was lower in the MSC group. At follow-up, observing and total mindfulness were higher in the MSC group. No differences between groups were found for the EPT at post-training and follow-up.
Virtual MSC training increased mindfulness and self-compassion, associated with higher well-being, reduced stress, and increased empathy in primary school teachers in Uruguay.
This study is not preregistered.