Health Psychology, Vol 43(3), Mar 2024, 155-170; doi:10.1037/hea0001316
Objective: Medication-related beliefs, for example, beliefs that medicines are unnecessary or that side effects are likely, can influence medication behaviors and experiences, potentially impacting quality of life and mortality. At times, it may be useful to change medication-related beliefs, for example, to reduce patients’ concerns about side effects when extensive evidence suggests side effects are rare. Currently we do not know the most effective methods to address medication beliefs. Method: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that measured medication-related beliefs in people prescribed medication for long-term condition(s). We extracted data on behavior change techniques (BCTs), belief measure, study and patient characteristics, risk of bias, and quality of description. Results: We identified 56 trials randomizing 8,714 participants. In meta-analysis, interventions led to small-to-medium effects (n = 36, Hedges’ g = .362, 95% confidence interval [CI] [.20, .52], p n = 21, Hedges’ g = −.435, 95% CI [−0.72, −0.15], p