Some aspects of parenting have been differentially associated with adolescents’ intrinsic values (affiliation, self-acceptance, and community) and extrinsic values (wealth, beauty, and fame). This study examines how the three components of detrimental parenting (i.e., rejecting, chaotic, and controlling parenting) relate to adolescents’ values (N = 647; ages 14–17; 57% girls). In addition to their perceptions of detrimental parenting, adolescents rated how important intrinsic and extrinsic values are to them and the extent to which their parents put intrinsic and extrinsic values into practice. Controlling for age, gender, and parents’ values, chaotic parenting moderated the correspondence between parents’ and adolescents’ extrinsic values. In addition, controlling parenting was the only parenting component directly related to adolescents’ values, being positively associated with adolescents’ extrinsic values.